Sub-Breed Rules
What is a Sub-Breed?
This information comes from the original MSL homepage, with slight edits to fit our site.
Sub breeds are species of animals specifically bred to create a uniform line. This is a line, with a minimum of 20 generations of creatures, that look identical to each other. Sub Breeds must also be distinctly different than other established Sub Breeds. We encourage sub breeders to breed a unique creature that stands out from the rest.
You can think of sub breeds like dog breeds. While they are all dogs, like FuzCubs are all Fuzcubs, they have individual breeds which look very different from each other. FuzCubs, as well as all the other species on Creature Breeder, can also be bred to carry specific characteristics. is built on real-life genetics which allow for us to manipulate their appearance in any way we wish by utilizing the genetic combinations that the CreatureBreeder creators have given us. Making a Sub Breed takes a lot of work, patience, and dedication. Understanding of actual genetics and basic inheritance helps greatly, but is not completely necessary.
To view the Official Sub Breed Rules, which will help you understand Sub Breeds more and help you in your efforts submitting a Sub Breed, view the Sub Breed Rules, listed below.
These rules are directly taken from the original MSL.
All Sub Breeds must look distinct from preexisting sub breeds. Please see the Sub Breed pages for current sub-breeds before submitting your sub breed.
All Sub Breeds must be submitted via the Forum in the specified Sticky Thread per the instructions on each sub breed's submission page. (Note: This requirement will change as the integration of sub-breeds into the main game changes).
All Sub Breeds must be a MINIMUM of 20 generations of PERFECT specimens. This means that it will take you a MINIMUM of 100 days (3-1/3 months) to complete a sub breed AFTER they have been honed to perfection. If you have not been working on your sub breeds for longer than that, you do NOT have a sub-breed candidate and you will be rejected. {Click here to learn what '20 generations' and 'perfect' means}.
Don't simply breed a couple of similar creatures together to get on the sub breed list. Getting a sub breed is hard work that takes a lot of time. Make it worth it! Play around and see what you can get and what you like. Breed something UNIQUE.
Your submission must NOT be related to any other existing sub breed or established line in ANY way. When you start making your sub breed it is your responsibility to scour the entire line for any established lines. You must go through to check EVERY creature in their line thoroughly. Due to this, it is often best (though not required) to start with store bought creatures. This way you know the are not related to any established line.
If ANYONE tries passing off a new sub breed as their own creation when there is proof that someone else created the breed, said person will NEVER be allowed to submit another pet for the sub breed list. Note: This is an old rule; it may change as the sub-breed integration policies change.