audio examples

This page shows the audio examples that used for a MUSHRA (MUtiple Stimuli with Hidden Reference and Anchor) test [1] conducted in [2] using webMUSHRA [3].

[1] ITU-R BS.1534-3, "Method for the subjective assessment of intermediate quality levels of coding systems," International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Geneva, Switzerland, Oct. 2015.[2] T. Lee, J. K. Nielsen, and M. G. Christensen, "Signal-Adaptive and perceptually Optimized Sound Zones with Variable Span Trade-Off Filters," IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Feb. 2020, under review.[3] M. Schoeffler, S. Bartoschek, F.-R. Stoter, M. Roess, S. Westphal, B. Edler, and J. Herre, "webMUSHRA - A comprehensive framework for web-based listening tests," Journal of Open Research Software, vol. 6, 2018, article no. 8.

Scenario 1

Data set 1: EBU SQAM Track 49, female speech, 10 sData set 2: EBU SQAM Track 50, male speech, 10 s

Scenario 2

Data Set 3: EBU SQAM Track 69, ABBA - Head over Heels, 10.0 sData Set 4: EBU SQAM Track 70, Eddie Rabbitt - Early in The Morning, 10.0 s

Scenario 3

Data Set 5: Beethoven Piano sonata no.8, 10.0 sData Set 6: EBU SQAM Track 66, Charles Dutoit - Stravinsky: Le Sacre du Printemps, 10.0 s

Scenario 4

Data Set 7: The hedgerow folk - I still, 10.0 sData Set 8: A piece of news, 10.0 s

Scenario 5

Data Set 9: Zootopia, Danish, 10.0 sData Set 10: Zootopia, English, 10.0 s
SourcesData Set 7: Set 8: Set 9: Set 10: SQAM:
Parameters: (V = 3840, mu = 1) for AP-VAST and P-VASTNote that the standard anchor (3.5 kHz low-pass filtered version of the reference signal) was generated internally from webMUSHRA.
The above playlist also can be found from the following SoundCloud link: (SoundCloud playlist)