These prompts are provided for your inspiration. Your submission does not need to be based upon one of these prompts; it just needs to follow the theme. Read the full submission guidelines

Concept Prompts

  1. A human lost in space meets an alien

  2. An alien and human become best friends by geeking out about the other's culture.

  3. Human parents raise an alien child and have to keep the child away from the government

  4. Alternatively: Alien parents raise a human child

  5. Describe day-to-day life on an alien planet

  6. Your character slowly realizes they're the only human in an all-alien town

  7. Earth is now populated equally by aliens and humans, what is life like?

  8. An alien documenting things they find odd/alarming about humans and human customs

  9. Aliens don't understand human sarcasm and take everything they say seriously, what misunderstandings ensue?

  10. A alien declares that they're going to take over Earth. Nobody takes them seriously, but they still attempt to take over the planet.

  11. An alien conspiracy theorist who's been theorizing about the existence of humans for years finally meets a human.

  12. A human gets abducted by aliens, escapes, and attempts to use alien abduction insurance (yes that is a thing)

Dialogue Prompts

  1. "Are you kidding? Of course I'm not going to Earth! Humans are insane!" "We're right here, [Alien Name]." "Yes, and you're insane!"

  2. "W... what is it?" "A cat." "I don't like it. It's giving me a bad look." "Mr. Whiskers is not!"

  3. "You just walked into my backyard and you're asking me for a cheesecake?" "Yes. It was a long trip, and I haven't had a real cheesecake for years!"

  4. "Wait... humans are REAL?!"