Critical Making & Creative Activism

Great readings below. If you'd like a more scholarly approach to this class, it is optional to read through one (or find your own) and find something interesting to share on the Participation Board.

Technology and community engaged research.pdf

The Foundations of Detention: http://www.thefoundationsofdetention.orgThe Foundations of Detention is an online community launched to protest against migrant detention facilities in the US.

Decolonize This Place: MTL Collective focuses on “Indigenous Struggle, Black Liberation, Free Palestine, Global Wage Workers, De-Gentrification, and Dismantling Patriarchy”; their organization Decolonize This Place networks different communities that address similar issues such as decentering whiteness and repatriating land. MTL Collective do organize actions on social media and networked infrastructures, their communities are distributed and meet regarding their specific situations.


Memefest Kolektiv is interested in creating situations that have the potential to engage people in transformative social relations through communication, design and art. Other projects include publishing of books, public interventions, conferences, symposia, workshops and lectures