


Our 5th mobility C5 Turkey has been  completed in Kayseri!


  Our 4th mobility C4 Bulgaria   completed in Sofia !


  Our third mobility C3 Italy completed in Partinico!


Our second mobility C2 Portugal completed in Porto!

HAPPY 2022!

Lıghts, camera, actıon!

8th-12th November, 2021 - Warsaw, Poland

Our first mobility C1 Poland completed in Warsaw! 


our project song

Created by Franek Durka

Kayseri Science and Arts Centre's Students Created a Video

"Hello everyone from Kayseri Science and Art Centre!

We asked our friends at our institution: in how many languages ​​can you say welcome? Please enjoy it."


We had an election that was open for all of our participants. After we have concluded our voting procedure we have a winner!! 

Congrats Melda. She has won with the logo on the left.

Stay tuned for more.

We Design, You Decide!  It is time to choose the logo  to be the official Erasmus+ logo for our project! Choosing the best design is not an easy task as the designs from all partners countries submitted are of a very good standard. We keep fingers crossed for  the successful voting and remind you that we are finishing voting on 19th of February. To vote click on the form below, enter your email address. You can vote only once.

Our SEcond Meetıng

On the 21st of December, we had our second meeting via video conferencing on Teams platform to work on the project details together. The members of all teams participating in the project gathered to discuss the starting task within the project. We decided about the logo competition rules, establishing our e-Twinning platform, social media and web site. 

Chrıstmas Season

Erasmus+ teams wish you a wonderful holiday season, through the Christmas photos and videos of our countries! 

It doesn’t matter how that we can’t be together, what’s important is that we share the Christmas magic!

And from Turkish team a wonderful presentation about Santa Claus!


Kıck off Meetıng

On the 23rd of November, we had our first meeting via video conferencing on Teams platform to work on the project details together. The members of all teams participating in the project gathered to discuss the starting task within the project. We decided about the logo competition rules, establishing our e-Twinning platform, social media and web site. We have set the date of the next meeting on December 21st. The first meeting was also an opportunity to talk about the functioning of schools in partner countries in the time of the pandemic. 

Not only travelling broadens the mind but also the talks.