St. Peters Lutheran Church, Ocean City, Maryland:

A Creation Care Covenant Congregation

Suggested ideas to start churches "Caring for Creation"

  • Study environmental issues in small groups

  • Provide Sunday morning teachings on earth stewardship

  • Be aware of local environmental concerns

  • Support efforts to restore the environment

  • Provide mugs for fellowship times to avoid Styrofoam cups

  • Use church property, if available, for community gardens

  • Plant trees on church property, perhaps in honor of individuals

Christians and Creation Care: Seven minute Seminary

discussion questions:

1) In what ways does God call us to minimize our "Ecological debt"?

2) Question: If people of faith deny our current climate crisis and the fact that it is human caused, do we break one of the laws God gave to Moses?

3) Living within the covenant God makes with all living things, and our relationship to them, in what ways can we honor their participation?

4) In what ways do we honor the principle of solidarity as we stand together with creation? How do we dishonor this principle?

5) How do we create some of the obstacles to ecological justice?

6) What can Exodus 20: 8-11; Leviticus 25 tell us about the principle of sustainability: (Providing an acceptable quality of life for present generations without compromising that of future generations)

7) Think about what it would mean to be a missionary for the planet. Where would you feel welcomed? Where would you feel in hostile territory? What would you take as supplies? What would you preach? What is the minimum change you would have to make in your life to take on the role of a missionary for the planet?

8) How has your family's past (the experiences of your ancestors) affected your own practices and attitudes about the environment?

9) E.O. Wilson says that our descendants will see us as a "ship of fools" if we destroy what matters most to them. Do you think they will view us in this way? What should we do differently to avoid destroying those things our descendants will care about?

10) How do you think we, as "images of God" should relate to the rest of creation?