Creating a Small Mediterranean Living Room

Looking for an ideal place for your family or for entertaining, a small Mediterranean living room will be the ideal solution. This kind of small home features both modern and Mediterranean elements that will make you feel good wherever you are. The most notable feature is its architecture that is based on the Roman culture. Most of the small homes that are made in the Roman style have their entrances facing the road.

Most of The Small Mediterranean Living Room

Most of the small Mediterranean living room has a comfortable sofa and rustic table top in front of an entertainment center, large screen television and an optional deep seating chair. In most houses, there is a wooden or wicker chest where magazines are placed or a coffee table. You can add some small modern paintings to spice things up. In order to prevent visitors from feeling bored, you should place an iron candle on the table. You can also place candles on shelves or picture frames, if you don't want the fireplace to be visible.

Most small traditional living rooms are located on a narrow deck or balcony. In such case, you will have to be even more innovative in designing your small Mediterranean living room. You should try to create an atmosphere similar to that of a cozy balcony located on the second floor of your house. The deck can be decorated with wicker tables, an assortment of flowers, candles and ornaments.

Choose The Right Fabric and Color

For small living room designs, you should try to choose fabrics and colors that have a Mediterranean look. The sofa, for instance, should be a fabric with a Mediterranean style and color, preferably one made from the Mediterranean oak. You can use cushions with small wooden legs that resemble those of recliners. As a table cover, you should purchase one with a rustic texture and pattern. In this way, your small living room design can appear to be ready just from the way the design has been arranged.

A centerpiece of small Mediterranean space should include one or two of the following features: tall posts, a spectacular ceiling (such as an arched ceiling), and a spectacular fireplace. Tall posts can be used to hang chairs and a small table. If your fireplace looks absolutely stunning, you can use it to create a conversation area with a small sofa and chairs along the walls. If your fireplace doesn't really look spectacular, you can consider installing ceramic tiles along the walls to give your small Mediterranean living room an authentic look.

Use Modern Furniture

Since most homeowners today prefer a contemporary look, you should include modern furniture pieces like a leather coffee table, a contemporary side table, and sleek modern chairs in your home featuring a l-shape sofa. These items will give any room a streamlined and elegant appearance. If you have an open floor plan in your home featuring lots of windows, you can consider putting up a glass abstract sculpture such as an abstract marble column. To finish off your small Mediterranean space, add a modern rug to your flooring and place a few classic rugs on top of your upholstered chairs. This will make your home featuring this unique interior design look extremely stylish and inviting.

The style of your home featuring a small Mediterranean space will really benefit from a contemporary rug near your coffee table. Such a rug near your high ceiling will create a sense of height and also add height to your living room. It is advisable to get a high quality contemporary rug that offers color that blends well with the color of your walls and furniture. In case you are looking for a rug that gives off a luxurious look, then look for rugs made out of lamb's wool or silk.

For your sofa and loveseat area in your small living room, you have options to either get a white leather sofa with a gray couch or get a gray sofa with a beige wall with a coffee table in the background. A beige wall and gray sofa combination also look very trendy when coupled with an upholstered rocking chair. For added decoration in your small living room area, you may consider including a small contemporary rug featuring black stripes. This would complete the stylish look of your home, showcasing an open concept with neutral color schemes.