Call for Chapters

Title: Security and Trust Issues in Internet of Things: Blockchain to the rescue

Book Series: Internet of Everything’s (IoE) : Security and Privacy Paradigm, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, USA

Editors: Sudhir Kumar Sharma, Bhuvan Unhelkar

Aims and Scope:

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that integrates technologies and aspects coming from varied approaches. Pervasive computing, ubiquitous computing, communication technologies, sensing technologies, Internet Protocol and embedded devices are integrated together to form a system where the digital and real worlds collaborate. Huge number of interconnected devices and enormous data opens new opportunities to create services capable of bringing tangible benefits to the economy, environment, society and individual citizens. Owing to the massiveness of IoT and inadequate data security, the impact of security breaches may turn out to be humongous leading to severe impacts. In addition to connecting devices, IoT also connects people and other entities thereby making every IoT component vulnerable to huge range of attacks.

Blockchain, a tamper resistant and distributed ledger that maintains consistent data records at different locations has the capability to address the IoT security concerns. Owing to the fault tolerance capabilities, decentralized architecture and cryptographic security benefits such as authentication, data integrity, pseudonymous identities, security analysts and researchers consider blockchain to resolve privacy and security issues of IoT. Apart from providing data security solution to IoT, blockchain also encounters numerous inherent IoT challenges such as limited computing power, massive number of devices, error prone radio links and low communication bandwidth. Blockchain is also used in identity management, voting, healthcare, government records and supply chain. Blockchain finds application in various economy sectors to build trust and has been applied successfully to digital cryptocurrencies. Hence blockchain technology is today’s world is becoming an emerging and disruptive future technology providing numerous opportunities to various industries.

Table of Contents:

The readers of this book will be benefited about the evolution, usage, challenges and the proposed countermeasures associated with the adoption of IoT for wider applications. The book aims to develop understanding of the IoT generated data security issues and enable the readers to realize the existing security facilities, their limitations and future possibilities. The proposed book focusses to publish original research outcomes towards industries and healthcare using various technological developments. Therefore, the readers will gain insights to taxonomy of challenges, issues and research directions in IoT based smart factory and healthcare applications. The book aims to showcase the basics of both IoT and Blockchain for beginners as well as their integration and challenge discussions for existing practitioner. The readers will gain exposure to a novel paradigm where IoT, Big-data and Cloud are merged together to solve several real-time problems owing to the existence of inter-dependency between these mutually exclusive technologies. Further, the book aims to bring together state-of-the-art innovations, research activities (both in academia and industry), and the corresponding standardization impacts of 5G so as to make the readers aware of the requirements and promising technical options to enrich and boost research activities in the area of 5G Internet of things.

1. Overview of IoT and Ubiquitous Computing

2. Secured Frameworks for Wireless Sensor Networks

3. IoT: Fundamentals and challenges

4. Security and Privacy challenges of IoT and Ubiquitous Computing

5. Various privacy mechanisms for IoT and Ubiquitous Computing

6. Trust management in IoT and Ubiquitous Computing

7. Security and privacy for fog and edge computing

8. Blockchain: Concept and Emergence

9. Blockchain and Internet of Things

10. Big Data and blockchain technology

11. Blockchain technology in data science

12. Blockchain based IoT security solutions

13. Use of Smart contract and Distributed ledger in Automated Applications

14. Blockchain-based Application (Health, finance transport etc)

15. Blockchain and its imminent impact on financial services

Publication Schedule:

The tentative schedule of the book publication is as follows:

Deadline for chapter proposal submission: March 05, 2019

Author notification for chapter proposal: March 10, 2019

Deadline for full chapter submission: March 25, 2020

Author notification: April 30, 2019

Camera-ready submission: May 28, 2020

Submission Procedure:

Authors are invited to submit original, high quality, unpublished results of Security and privacy issues in IoT devices and sensor networks: Machine learning to the rescue.

Submitted manuscripts should conform to the author’s guidelines of the CRC Press chapter format of the Computational Intelligence in Engineering Problem Solving, CRC Press , Taylor & Francis Group (Link). Submitted chapters should be prepared using Latex or Microsoft Word, and according to the CRC Press chapter templates that can be downloaded from the aforementioned website.

Prospective authors need to electronically submit their contributions using EasyChair submission system (EasyChair Submission).

Submitted manuscripts will be refereed by at least two independent and expert reviewers for quality, correctness, originality, and relevance. The accepted contributions will be published as a volume in the prestigious "Computational Intelligence in Engineering Problem Solving", by CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. More information about the " Internet of Everything’s (IoE) : Security and Privacy Paradigm, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis, USA ” series and the author instructions can be found in the Link.

Book Editors:

  • Prof. (Dr.) Sudhir Kumar Sharma

Institute of Information Technology and Management,

D-29, Institutional Area, Janakpuri, New Delhi, India


  • Prof. Dr. Bhuvan Unhelkar ,BE, MDBA, MSc, PhD; FACS; PSM-I; CBAP

University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee (USFSM).
