We apply a persistent homology analysis to investigate the behavior of nanovoids during the crazing process of glassy polymers. We carry out a coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulation of the uniaxial deformation of an amorphous polymer and analyze the results with persistent homology. Persistent homology reveals the void coalescence during craze formation, and the results suggest that the yielding process is regarded as the percolation of nanovoids created by deformation.

2. Lay the chain flat in front of you and thread the faux leather cording through the underside of the 2nd chain link on the right end of the chain. Then thread the cording through the underside of the next link to the left and pull through the link forming a whipstich. Repeat until the entire chain is threaded.

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4. Slide the jump ring with the tassle and toggle loop onto the end of the chain with the open link. Close jump ring with pliers. Slide the jump ring with the toggle rod onto the opposite end of the chain. Close jump ring with pliers.

We are also listening to player and creator feedback as we explore ways to ensure that the Adventure Lab continues to grow sustainably as a location-based game. If you believe that any Adventure violates the Adventure Lab guidelines, please report it in the app using the "Report this Adventure" link (located at the bottom of the Adventure's details screen). We review all reports and take action if necessary.

If you believe that any Adventure violates the Adventure Lab guidelines, please report it in the app using the "Report this Adventure" link (located at the bottom of the Adventure's details screen). We review all reports and take action if necessary.

Carp Craze Soft hook link line is formulated and extruded from pure fluorocarbon which offers genuine and radical advantages over standard nylon and co-polymer monofilaments. As carp angling continues to grow in popularity and the fish become more and more difficult to deceive, fluorocarbon provides a major edge for anglers looking to make their results stand out from the rest.

Tapping into the #CleanTok craze could not only help Unilever grow visibility of its portfolio, but drive purchases. For example, 54% of users purchased a household product after seeing it on TikTok, per release details, with 71% of such purchases having been unplanned. Nearly 70% of users say the platform helped them discover household products.

A little while ago we made a blog post talking about the communication reliability, one part of this work did include an alternative CRTP link implementation for the Crazyflie lib. This week we will make one of the native CRTP link implementations, the Crazyflie-link-Cpp, the default link for the Crazyflie python lib.

In the Crazyflie communication stack, the CRTP link is the piece of software that handles reliable packet communication between a computer and the Crazyflie. In the Crazyflie it is mainly implemented in the nRF51 radio chip (for the radio link), in the computer it is part of the Crazyflie python lib + Crazyflie client and for Ros and Crazyswarm it is implemented in crazyflie-cpp. Other clients like Lamouchefolle also have re-implemented their own versions of the CRTP link.

The CRTP link is the most critical part in the communication with Crazyflie, if it is not working properly, nothing can work properly, all communication with the Crazyflie passes though the CRTP link. This code duplication in multiple projects means that we have many places for diverging behaviour and creative bugs which makes it hard to develop new clients for the Crazyflie.

The biggest drawback so far is that the CPP link needs to be compiled for each platform. We are compiling a python Wheel for it in Github actions for Windows/Mac/Linux on X86_64, any other architecture (including raspberry pi) will use the existing python CRTP link for the time being.

We are in the process of enabling the new link as the default in the lib. There are still some outstanding bugs related to boot loading that needs to be ironed out, but we expect this change to be included in the next release.

Turns out they are flipping bottles everywhere & anywhere. Tonight, our kids went to a color-run charity event and my husband said that during the race (he ran it with our oldest son), he passed about 25 kids flipping bottles while watching the runners. The new craze has officially taken over.

The journal ranking craze has become international, spreading worldwide in the spirit of globalization. Journal ranking is the means to a big end, that of ranking universities, departments and disciplines for the purpose of allocating scarce funds. The link between research evaluation and journal ranking is that journal ranking is central to the evaluation of research. According to the OECD, 13 countries have been identified as using systems of ex post research output evaluation for the purpose of determining the distribution of government funding. These countries have been following the lead of the U.K., where research evaluation started in 1986 under the auspices of the Thatcher government. The overall range of indicators used by other countries is similar, but various combinations and weightings are employed. 17dc91bb1f

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