CRA Winter League 2024 

Sunday 14 January 2024  -  Sunday 18 February 2024  -  Sunday 10 March 2024

2,600 metres upstream from A14 bridge to 'Top Finish' at Green Dragon Bridge

Division 1: 9:00am  -  Division 2: 10:40am  -   Division 3: 12:20pm  -   Division 4: 2:00pm


Latest News

Saturday 6 April 2024


Let us know by email if you think you are due a refund for any of the legs.

Spare Pots

There are some spare glass pots from the Winter League races, and we are offering them on a first-come-first-served basis to the participating crews.  They are somewhat of a collector's item; they are engraved with a map of the Cam and the year, so not suitable for next year's race! We even have some from the 2023 edition if you raced in the previous year and think you deserve one!  You might like to collect a glass pot if:

Collect from the bar at 99s boathouse or email (either way, let us know by email that you are collecting any pots). Thanks for participating, and hope to see you next year.

Important links

About the race

The Winter League is a series of three head races held on the river Cam, Cambridge. The winners for each category will be the crew with the fastest aggregate time over all three legs. CUCBC (college) prizes will be awarded for the results of the February leg only. Crews can enter any or all of the legs. The Winter League is organised for the Cambridgeshire Rowing Association by members of the Cambridge '99 Rowing Club and X-Press Boat Club. 


Entries opened at 9:00am on 2 January 2024, and will stay open until midnight of the Wednesday before each leg.  You can enter all three legs as soon as entries are open (we prefer that you do this).  If you did not enter the race for Leg 1, you can still enter using the same entry form for legs 2 and 3 (entries for those legs will close on the Wednesday before each race). 

Use the form here if you want to enter a single crew or a small number of crews.  If you are making a large number of entries you might prefer to use a template Google sheet; follow the link here to make a copy of the template.

Categories - Entries are invited for all fine boat and fixed seat boats.  Categories in Open / Women's / Mixed, split into: 

Division times - Division 1:  9:00am,   Division 2: 10:40am,   Division 3: 12:20pm,   Division 4: 2:00pm.

Entry fees

Entry fees are £10 per seat per race, with no charge for coxes.  If you are competing in all three legs then please pay the full amount of £30 per seat before entries close for Leg 1.

Payment by bank transfer to:

Cambridge '99 Rowing Club Ltd

Sort code: 20-17-35

Account number: 10228613

Reference: "WL" followed by your club name and crew name. 

Other entry information and conditions


Row-throughs between divisions are possible, depending on numbers.

Please request a row-through using this form: 

We encourage row-throughs to consider avoiding the change between divisions 1+2 (around 10am) as these divisions are usually full, and this is generally a busy time on the river. Row-throughs in the afternoon will make for easier boating.

Race communications

We will post important race announcements and Winter League news over a WhatsApp group (announcements only).  If you would like to join, follow this link.


We will post results on RowClock throughout the day.  We plan to finalise results shortly after Division 4 has finished (probably by around 3pm). The bar at Nines Boathouse will be open after each race.

After Leg 2, college category winners will be awarded engraved pots. Pots will be available for collection from Nines Boathouse.  

After Leg 3, engraved pots will be awarded to the winners of categories with three or more competing crews for all legs, and for other categories at our discretion. Pots will be available for collection from Nines Boathouse.

Competitor Information

See here for competitor information.  We would like all competitors to carefully read all the instructions; however, please take special note of the following: