How this works


This web site is meant to present information about medical needs relating to the corona crisis to people interested in solving them. This means you need to actually build a solution or some other working proof. Ideas as such are not helpful at this site.


This front end is a google sites web site (should be ported to something better)

The back end uses Github's mechanism of raising issues and tracking their resolution. this allows people to search issues, label issues, add more details, or otherwise comment. this also provides a wiki (like Wikipedia) where narrative form and links can be used.

At this time, there are no real restrictions on editing, so please be careful and useful. Better to comment than to change.

Help wanted

As this project grows, we would appearance help in organizing and editing data,and much more too.

Needs and solutions are, of course, the goal of the project so they are needed even more.

Help is also need for SEO.


Anything you enter on the website becomes public domain, under the MIT license.

Please avoid plagiarism.

We reserve the right to take down any information for any reason, as well as edit any posted information.