Craft World - Master Building Block Game 3D is a free-to-play simulation game from the Master Craft Game 3D team. This game, inspired by Minecraft, has one glaring difference: everything is unlocked and unlimited in this game. It is rendered in the same full 3D voxel world, but gives you access to all blocks, weapons, vehicles, and more.

Like Minecraft, it also starts the same way, by generating a randomized seed world. This surprisingly takes up a small amount of storage space, starting with about 5 MB and growing depending on your project. Also, it has a lot of custom skins, mostly taken from Minecraft and other custom content around the franchise. Some skins must be bought, however, from an online store that is mostly offline.

Craft World Download

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The expert authors use reader-friendly language and focus on practical applications that can be adapted to the wide variety of teaching contexts in which world language teachers hone our craft day after day.

A craftworld is a vast, planetoid-sized spacecraft populated by the Asuryani faction of the highly advanced humanoid species known as the Aeldari. The craftworlds travel through the void of space at sublight speeds, carrying the greater remnant of the Aeldari species after their Fall.

Each craftworld is a self-sufficient, independent realm with its own distinctive culture. Every craftworld is built upon a skeleton of psychoactive, crystalline wraithbone whose structure extends throughout the gigantic voidcraft. A similar skeletal core lies at the heart of most Asuryani constructions and every one of their spacecraft.

Wraithbone is psycho-conductive, and the core of a craftworld acts as a self-replenishing reservoir of psychic power. The invasive rib-like structures carry this energy throughout the entire length and breadth of the vessel.

In a very real sense, the craftworld is a living entity, powered by psychic energy and responding in an organic way to the stimuli of psychic forces. The psychic power contained within it can be expended as light and heat, and most ship-board devices and other Asuryani technology could not actually function without the wireless psychic power grid that runs throughout the substructure of the craftworld.

The Asuryani refer to this grid as the Infinity Circuit, a metaphysical neural structure studded with the Spirit Stones of the craftworld's dead, their gestalt psychic collective serving as the source of the great vessel's power -- and its ghostly sentience.

Prior to the Fall of the Aeldari, the craftworlds were vast Aeldari commercial starships psychically "sung" from wraithbone; they were effectively self-contained starfaring communities housing hundreds of Aeldari families. Trading missions could take the craftworlds thousands of light years beyond the borders of the Aeldari Empire, separating the community from the Aeldari homeworlds for Terran centuries.

This meant the craftworld communities had already developed a strong sense of independence and self-reliance from the heart of their civilisation -- an independence that prevented them from being infected by the increasing decadence and sadistic hedonism that ultimately consumed their species.

Because a craftworld might return to the rest of Aeldari civilisation only three or four times in a thousand Terran years, it was easy for them to perceive the degeneration of Aeldari society, while to the Aeldari as a whole the slow decline was too gradual to realise.

As the final weeks leading to the cataclysm that would be called the Fall of the Aeldari approached, the various craftworlds' populations returned to the heart of the Aeldari Empire, finding their worlds already in ruin, torn apart by the orgy of sadism that heralded the birth of the Chaos God Slaanesh.

The craftworlds' inhabitants were horrified by the changes in Aeldari society. The Aeldari Seers who had remained behind and uncorrupted enlisted the aid of the Craftworld Aeldari to undertake a titanic effort to save their people. Onto each Aeldari craftworld, the last uncorrupted people from each Aeldari homeworld were loaded.

Taking with them any Aeldari who still remained what they considered sane, the craftworlds fled the heart of the Aeldari civilization, along with works of art, plant life and animals, and whatever else of Aeldari culture that could be saved. The massive psychic shockwave of Slaanesh's awakening caught some of the craftworlds and destroyed them alongside the Aeldari homeworlds, while others were pulled into orbit around the newly-formed Eye of Terror Warp rift at the moment of the Prince of Pleasure's birth.

For thousands of Terran years after the Fall unto the current day (the 41st Millennium), the craftworlds have carried the greater part of the surviving members of the Aeldari species, those who named themselves the Asuryani, the "Children of Asuryan," in the years after the Fall and were often called "Eldar" by outsiders, particularly Humans.

Craftworlds contain Webway gates that connect tunnels through that labyrinth dimension that lies between the Warp and realspace. The Webway links the craftworlds to each other as well as to thousands of planets scattered across the territory of the lost Aeldari Empire, allowing the dispersed Aeldari civilization some measure of cohesion.

Because the Webway is labyrinthine and impossible to accurately map, many craftworlds are effectively lost, unknown and cut off from the greater part of the remaining Aeldari civilisation. Craftworlds have grown greatly in size since the Fall, when they became the sanctuary worlds of the Aeldari people. They are now approximately 10 to 100 times bigger in both volume and population size than they were before the Fall.

Craftworlds are well-named, for they are effectively artificial worlds in space, each a self-contained biosystem, with forested and natural areas as well as urbanised ones. These natural areas provide a breathable atmosphere for the craftworld and renewable resources. There are sections of some craftworlds that are uninhabited and awaiting reconstruction. Vast space docks located outside the craftworld house fleets of Asuryani spacecraft.

These fleets are capable of traveling through the Warp tunnels of the Webway, allowing the Asuryani of the relatively slow-moving craftworld to bring their forces to areas of the galaxy thousands of light years distant.

Every Asuryani of a craftworld is a highly trained warrior -- in battle these citizen-soldiers are known as Guardians, forming the craftworld's defensive militia. Craftworlds are independent political realms, sometimes acting in cooperation with the other Asuryani craftworlds, combining their military forces and acting in concert to achieve a common objective, and trading or exchanging knowledge.

Aeldari Exodites often trade with their Asuryani counterparts who live in the craftworlds, but believe that the Craftworld Aeldari are still too close to the old ways of decadence for their own good. However, the militarily stronger Asuryani grant some protection to Exodite Aeldari from attacks by Orks, the Drukhari, Chaos and the Imperium of Man.

As mentioned, the populations of the craftworlds of the 41st Millennium probably now comprise the majority of the surviving Aeldari species in the galaxy of the 41st Millennium, although it is impossible to say just how many Aeldari this actually is. The craftworlds are certainly the seat of the remaining Aeldari industry, technology, and culture, as they contain the only vestiges of their original homeworlds.

Most of the craftworlds contain special biodomes that house plants and wildlife from their original homeworld, and these are carefully tended and preserved by the Asuryani as the last vestiges of what they have lost.

Although each craftworld is essentially independent in its actions and governance, they will generally offer and accept aid and advice from one another. Although not common, sometimes craftworld disagreements will cause them to clash with each other on the field of battle, though this is always a last resort when every Asuryani life is precious.

Far out on the frontiers of the galaxy, on the edge of explored space in the Ultima Segmentum, lies the Alaitoc craftworld. The Alaitoc Asuryani are zealous in their guard against the touch of Slaanesh, even more so than is common amongst the other Craftworld Aeldari. As such, Alaitoc is strictly governed to prevent any emergence of the sadistic obsessions that the Aeldari are prone to as a species.

As noted, Alaitoc is an unusually strict craftworld in making sure its citizens follow the Asuryani Path and Asuryani traditions; in response, many of the more freedom-loving individuals from this craftworld choose instead the Path of the Outcast, becoming Rangers or even Aeldari Corsairs who roam the galaxy and make their living raiding primarily Imperial commerce.

While all craftworlds make use of the Rangers, who are the most highly accurate snipers amongst the Asuryani, none field or produce more than Alaitoc. Though Alaitoc Rangers do not reside upon the craftworld and prefer to travel the galaxy, these Rangers retain their loyalty to Alaitoc and will return to their craftworld on occasion to visit family and friends.

Aside from deploying large numbers of standard Rangers, Alaitoc is also the only craftworld to field the highly skilled Rangers known as Pathfinders. These snipers without compare can cause havoc amongst even the most powerful and numerous of enemy forces. In times of extreme need, such as during the Imperium of Man's invasion of Alaitoc, the craftworld sometimes recalls its Rangers to contribute to Alaitoc's defence forces.

Alaitoc uses a sword rune which represents the Sword of Vaul, the weapon forged in Aeldari mythology for the Smith God's desperate battle against the war god Khaela Mensha Khaine. It represents the defiance and determination of its people. Alaitoc and its forces are associated with the colours blue and yellow. The craftworld is known to be located in the Ultima Segmentum. ff782bc1db

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