Mel Salo

Mel by craeve

Mel Salo

Adult | she/her
Designer & Cattery Co-Owner

Build: Average. 168cm (5'6").

Personality: Friendly, easy-going, and typically happy. She does have strong opinions, though, and can come across as judgmental or sassy at times. Has a soft heart for cats. Does most things officially and by the books, and worries about her sister's love for street racing.


Traits: (once SND done)

Explorer - Gives 5% better chance on finding items & secret locations (shortcuts, hideouts and other) in said district/area.

Monty by craeve

Lorem Ipsum Cattery

Humble Beginnings

At age 26, Mel inherited a humble plot of land and a few cats when her father passed away unexpectedly. Settled into her life as a graphic designer, she had little intention to maintain the barn of cats, but her childhood love for cats and riding sparked again while she was cleaning up the estate. Taking a big risk, she decided to give running a cattery a shot with all her effort. Using some of her father's inheritance and lots of construction help from friendly neighbors and her father's friends, she purchased some adjacent land and expanded the facilities. After registering Lorem Ipsum as an official cattery, she invited her sister Meeri -- an experienced street racer -- to live with her, help care for the cats, and start the official CMYK racing program. Mel runs most of the day-to-day operations of the cattery. She especially loves raising cubs, training young shedu, and trying her hand in the occasional show. With her background in design and knack for crafting, she has shown an interest in shedu tack crafting.

Cattery: Lorem Ipsum Cattery

Motto: "Dolor sit amet" [Translation unknown]

Prefix: CMYK
Suffix: sit amet
Prefix or suffix should be on all cats bred and raised by Lorem Ipsum. Optional for cats bred by Lorem Ipsum and traded to others.

