I built a small rover robot and I'm using the DRV8833 Dual Motor Driver Carrier from Pololu (see schematic at end of post) to control my motors. Initially I wrote a simple motor driver, that uses GPIO on my microcontroller to set AIN1, AIN2, BIN1 and BIN2 (0 or 1) as detailed in the datasheet (see Table 1).

So that worked great and was able to control the rover's movement (left, right, forward, backward), albeit these movements were all performed at 100% full throttle. I decided next to implement PWM so I could control the acceleration rate while speeding up and slowing down. I configured my microcontroller to put out a 16 KHz PWM signal and implemented logic to set run the motors forward/reverse in fast decay mode according to table 2.

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S3D user here.. on the S3D control panel we have a speed slider that will let you alter the print speed during a print job. Octoprint has feed rate and flow rate.. do either of those = print speed.. I am thinking not..

Currently started a print at 35mms that could be run at 60mms as it is really simple and I forgot to alter before slicing.. Anything that would let me do this with Octoprint?


They are feed rate modifiers. Meaning that they will modify the programed feed. It's a percentage so if you want to go from 30mm/s to 60mm/s then you enter 200. Those controls are in the Control tab below the video feed.

Same goes for filament feed or flow rate.

It's kind of a picky technical difference, your changing the feed rate (print speed) by a percentage and not directly by the rate. The indication is 100 (%) of the programed rate and you are going up or down from there in percentage, not directly in rate. So you set it to 50 and that is 50% of the programed rate whatever that might be. Some slicers support programming the filament by a volumetric rate vs the normal mm per time rate.

Feed rate applies to x,y,z,& e (the extruder rate).

Quiz question:

what do you think why is the button labled "Feed rate" below the buttons for the movement control (X/Y Z) and the button labled "Flow rate" below the extruder control (Tool / E)?


To me the "control tab" used to be "control tab for controlling the printer manually when it is not printing". It came as a complete surprise to me that something there would control the printer while it was actually printing.

I have bought the Elite Capellix 150i and 3 Corsair Icue Sp120 Rgb Pro Performance 120Mm. The 3 Capellix fans I can control, but the 3 Corsair Icue Sp120 Rgb Pro Performance 120Mm Ventilator, are always at maximum speed. I can set all devices to 0 rpm, but only the Capllix fans will do that. It goes the same with the other settings, extreme, balanced, or fixed percentage. The 3 Capellix fans will do it but the 3 Corsair Icue Sp120 Rgb Pro Performance 120Mm Ventilator won't. Can I control the Corsair Icue Sp120 Rgb Pro Performance 120Mm Ventilator, which is connected to commander pro from the Capellix 150i? Or will they always be on max settings?

The three SP-Pro fans are 3 pin DC motors. The Commander Core is a PWM only controller. It is giving them the max 12v at all times and thus the perpetual max speed. There is nothing you can do about that. You will want to move their speed control wire to the MB for that purpose. The RGB wire can stay on the Commander Core for lighting.

RGB is less picky and any of the controllers will work for lighting control. However, with the Commander Pro you need a RGB Lighting Hub 5v booster to connect fans. That's not something that comes in current fan packages and if you don't have one already, it can be difficult to track down. Depending on what you already have, it may be more economical to swap out the fans if you want dual RGB+Speed control on one device.

I have the g15 with 5600h and 3060. Trying to adjust fan speeds because they are idle until 75c. ALienware command center says no FX device detected. So maybe not supported on this laptop? Is there any other software to do this or maybe a fix for AWCC? already uninstalled AWCC and manually removed registry entries.

We can adjust speed during printing but I'm wondering if we could have that type of control in the slicer. Ideally we could specify the speed as a percentage like we can set during printing. It would really be nice if we could vary that at layer heights so we may want 100% for the first few layers then maybe something like 150% for the bulk of the print then pull back to 100% near the top. This would make it easy for repeated prints like the COVID face shields. You experiment with the speed at the printer until you find a setting that you're comfortable with. Then go back to the slicer, set that speed, re-slice your model and export the gcode. Now you get the advantage of a simple speed change without having to make it manually at the printer.

I know we can manage print speeds for various parts of the print but this would be much easier and probably less error prone since we're only changing one setting. I'm assuming this would be implemented as a custom gcode command that tells the controller to set the speed to a percentage value and not by modifying the speed of the individual movements in the generated gcode. That way we can be sure to see the same result setting the speed in the slicer as we do when we make the adjustment at the printer.

I feel like I'm missing something. I've change the speed rate at different heights (getting faster every 5mm in height), yet when I slice the file, it doesn't get even one second faster in the print time and shows the same coloring when I activate the Speed viewer

The M220 Sx is a firmware speed multiplier and is applied at runtime - just like turning the knob on the printer under print. It will not show up in PrusaSlicer speed view or be reflected in estimated print times.

when you are close to the original values speed changes on a large model can be roughly equated as above, but as you get further from 100% the change will be less because the maximums kick in... and on a small model the acceleration rates will crimp the speed available

Sometimes I have found that PrusaSlicer also inserts speed overrides (M220) into the generated g-code. One place is when it has filament change in multi-color prints (wipe tower). If you want to make sure there is not any unwanted extra M220, just generate g-code to a file and use a text editor to search for M220 - there should only be the ones you inserted.

I was pointed to this thread from the discord server from some very helpful mods and I thought I would share what I ended up using for solving my problem in case it helps someone down the road. 

My issue is that despite having tried all the other suggestions I have heard (dry your filament, wipe with ipa or windex, clean the bed with soap+water) I cannot get PETG to stick consistently. In the first layer issues wiki it is recommended to slow the speed down to about 75% for the first 3 layers but doing this manually is a bit of a bear so I decided to add some custom gcode into the before layer change block to do it for me:

I am printing these spotify tags and i need to change the color for the waves but the issue is the speed in which the printer is printing the first few waves don't stick well. So I wondered if there is any way to reduce the print speed to 50 % after the color change.

Based on the description you gave I would suggest trying a Height rang modifier just before or after your color change and add the settings to adjust the speed to it from the menu, you will need to be in "Expert" mode to gain access to the full range of menu's for the Height range modifier.

The fan speed control when running Ubuntu 23.10 on a Raspberry Pi 5 does not appear to be working. The fan runs at near maximum speed all the time and the cur_state in /sys/class/thermal/cooling_device0/ is stuck at the value of 4 no matter what the CPU temperature. I suspect it is related to this fault reported on Raspberry Pi OS: =356881

There is now a patch to a kernel build in ppa:waveform/fan-fix ( ~waveform/+archive/ubuntu/fan-fix) which should serve as a temporary fix until the next kernel release. This allows the fan speed control to work ,but there is some concern that the hysteresis is being ignored, so this may not be the final fix.

The EC-10V potentiometer controls the fan speed of inline duct fans such as FG..EC, FKD..EC, prioAIR..EC via a stepless control signal. The required supply voltage is 10 VDC which is provided as onboard power on Fantech branded EC products. The output voltage is manually adjusted from 0V (OFF) up to the supply voltage, Us, (FULL SPEED) by a rotary knob.

Multiplies the current speed of the sequence by a Multiply Factor.Thus a value of 0.5 will make the sequence half as fast while 2 would make the sequence twice as fast.Negative values will reverse the input while also adjusting the speed,so a value of negative two will play in reverse and twice as fast as normal.

Choose the Multiply option in the Effect Strip panel in the Sidebar.Set the Multiply Factor to be the factor by which you want to adjust the speed.To cut the displayed speed by 50%, enter 0.5.Now, a 275-frame clip will play at half speed, and thus display only the first 137 frames.

If you want the remaining frames to show in slow motion after the first set is displayed,double the Length of the source strip(since effects strip bounds are controlled by their source strips).If you are using a speed factor other than 0.5 then use the formula:

You can use the speed control to change the frame rate in frames per second (fps) of a video.If you are rendering your video to a sequence set,you can effectively increase or decrease the number of individual image files created,by using a Multiply value less than or greater than one, respectively. 006ab0faaa

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