Call for Papers

 Important Dates

Workshop paper submission: March 15, March 25, 2024 

Workshop paper notification: April 12, 2024

Workshop paper camera-ready copy: April 19, 2024

Workshop paper author registration: April 19, 2024

 Topics of Interest (not limited)

 1. CPSS requirements for sustainability;

2. CPSS (e.g. IoT, Big Data) quality requirements for sustainability;

3. CPSS requirements elicitation, specification and validation for sustainability;

4. Smart cities quality requirements for social sustainability;

5. Smart cities requirements elicitation, specification and validation for social sustainability;

6. CPSS to specific domain (health, tourism, mobility...) regarding sustainability;

7. Interaction design in CPSS for sustainability;

8. (Multi) user experience design and assessment in CPSS for sustainability;

9. Security and Privacy requirements for CPSS regarding sustainability;

10. Ethics in CPSS regarding sustainability.

Submission Process

Authors are invited to submit unpublished and innovative work on the topics of interest of the workshop in the following categories: full papers (7-10 pages); short papers (4-6 pages), and position papers (4-5 pages). Full papers are intended to describe a technical contribution, an empirical evaluation of existing solutions, and experience reports regarding the workshop topics. Short papers are intended to describe work in progress and research ideas at an early stage. For example, a short paper could describe a pilot study evaluating a CPSS in a specific domain. Finally, position papers are intended to present problems and challenges or state the position of the author (s) on any of the workshop topics.

Submitted articles should be in English and PDF format according to the 1-column CEUR-ART style (see " CEURART style files for papers" in and submitted through EasyChair. The submission site is 

Accepted papers will be published in CEUR proceedings using the 1-column CEUR-ART style (see " CEURART style files for papers" at

Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit extended versions for publication in the Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development (JSERD). 


 Each submitted paper will undergo a review process by two or three program committee members. Reviewers will evaluate the submissions based on: (i) their ability to generate discussion, and (ii) relevance to the workshop.