Labs and HW/Quiz

HWs, Exams, and Projects

The distribution may be adjusted based on the proceeding of the course.

Any assignment, unless noted, dues before the class (5:30pm, US-Pacific Time), of the due day.

(1%) HW 00: Due Sept 06

(3%) HW 01: Due Sept 13

(3%) HW 02: Due Sept 20

(3%) HW 03: Due Oct 02

(20%) Quiz I: Oct 04

(5%) Project I Update: Due Oct 16

(15%) Project I: Due Oct 25, Demonstration in class

(3%) HW 04: Due Oct 30, a video tutorial on installing pandas.

(3%) HW 05: Due Nov 8

(3%) HW 06: Due Nov 15

(20%) Quiz II: Nov 20

(5%) Project II Update: Due Nov 29

(10%) Project II Demonstration and Presentation Due: Dec 06 

(10%) Project II Extend Slides as Report Due: Dec 11

Total Grade: 104%