"Global Environmental Exchange Program 2022" 

We are pleased to announce the second call for participation to the Global Environmental Exchange  Program 2022. This program is established by East  Carolina University (USA) in collaboration with many universities such the University of Abou Bekr Belkaid of TLEMCEN. (for more info about the program:,  for more info about the topics of this program :

The purpose of Gen program is an international virtual class exchange between students from many universities such USA, Mexico, Peru, Ukraine etc. Students participate and discuss by visioconferences about the global environmental issues and the culture of shared environmental solutions around the world. Students at the end will obtain a certificate from North Carolina University (USA). 

¤ This course will commence from November 02, 2022 to December 14, 2022.

¤ Duration one hour a twice per week (Tuesday and Thursday);

¤ Course will  be hold by visioconferences using Zoom app.

¤ Subject of the course: Environment and sustaInable development (related to the United Nations Goals).

¤ The Certificates will be attribute by East Carolina University, USA in collaboration with University of Abou Bek Belkaid, Tlemcen.

¤ Absences during the classe are not tolerated.

¤ Course language : English.

¤ Number of participants doesn't exceed 20.

For participation, send us your form below before October 01, 2022:

Voir la référence: 

Any issues, contact the coordinator Dr NEHAR Benameur

Faculty SNV-STU, University of Abou Bekr Blekaid at Tlemcen.