Beyond 0's and 1's

Using Chemical-based Memory Devices

for Large-Scale Data Storage

November 13, 2017

The books and resources below are just a small sample of what's available through Cleveland Public Library to provide a wider perspective on the cutting-edge evolution of memory storage and its use in "Big Data." Click the titles to link to the library's catalog to place a hold or to get additional information.

Online Scholarly Articles

Indexed by The National Center for Biotechnology Information

Non-Fiction Books on Big Data

  • Big Data: Does Size Matter? by Timandra Harkness (2016)
    • Timandra Harkness cuts through the hype to put data science into its real-life context using a wide range of stories, people, and places to reveal what is essentially a human science--demystifying big data, telling us where it comes from and what it can do. Big Data then asks the awkward questions: What are the unspoken assumptions underlying its methods? Are we being bamboozled by mega data's size, its speed, and its shiny technology? Nobody needs a degree in computer science to follow Harkness's exploration of what mega data can do for us--and what it can't or shouldn't. Big Data asks you to decide: Are you a data point, or a human being?
  • Big Data In Practice : How 45 Successful Companies Used Big Data Analytics To Deliver Extraordinary Results by Bernard Marr (2016)
    • Big data is on the tip of everyone's tongue. Everyone understands its power and importance, but many fail to grasp the actionable steps and resources required to utilise it effectively. This book fills the knowledge gap by showing how major companies are using big data every day, from an up-close, on-the-ground perspective.
  • Big Data Is Not A Monolith edited by Cassidy Sugimoto
    • Big data is ubiquitous but heterogeneous. Big data can be used to tally clicks and traffic on web pages, find patterns in stock trades, track consumer preferences, identify linguistic correlations in large corpuses of texts. This book examines big data not as an undifferentiated whole but contextually, investigating the varied challenges posed by big data for health, science, law, commerce, and politics. Taken together, the chapters reveal a complex set of problems, practices, and policies.
  • When We Are No More: How Digital Memory Is Shaping Our Future by Abby Smith Rumsey (2016)
    • Today, we stand at the very edge of a vast, uncharted digital landscape, where our collective memory is stored in ephemeral bits and bytesand lives in air-conditioned server rooms. What sources will historians turn to in 100, let alone 1,000 years to understand our own time if all of our memory lives in digital codes that may no longer be decipherable? Serving as a call to consciousness, When We Are No More explains why data storage is not memory; why forgetting is the first step towards remembering; and above all, why memory is about the future, not the past.

Cleveland Public Library - Main Library - 325 Superior Ave - Cleveland, Ohio 44114 - 216-623-2800