SAC Resources

The following are resources the SAC team have created or implemented for the benefit of the school community based on feedback or recommendation at our meetings and/or survey results. Please check them out and feel free to use/share these as much as possible! 

SAC Flyer - to be used in Newsletters & Class Connect Slides

SAC Flyer.pdf

H.O.W.L Like a Wolf Pep Rally Video by NHS- for WOW week, teachers/ admin newsletter, and families, etc. 

High School Art Show presented by NHS- 

H.O.W.L Infographic by NJHS - for use at WOW Week, CC slides, teacher/admin newstletters, etc. 

NJHS_HOWL Poster_2022.pdf

NJHS - 1st edition Middle School Newspaper

CPA School Anthem by AMP - for use at WOW Week, CC slides, teacher/admin newsletters, etc. 

CPA School Anthem.pdf

CPA - Acronyms for Students/Families

CPA Acronyms - Final