Tech Theater

Course Description

Both Technical Theatre I and 2 students are expected to set-up, run, and tear down at least one major production in the Colfax Performing Arts Center. Technical Theatre I is geared towards learning the basics of sound, lighting, running crew, show operation, and set construction. The goal of this course is for students to know how to work in a professional level production. Technical Theatre 2 focuses on sound design, lighting design, set design, stage management, and promotion. The goal of this course is the students knowing how to manage and design for a professional level show/theatre. Participants in these classes are members in the drama club, Creators of Riveting Entertainment (C.O.R.E.).

Tech Theater Levels

T1-Beginner, learning about the behind the scenes of theater

T2-Advanced, experienced students

T3-Student Managers are approved by the teacher and trained for their position