Saftey Precautions

• Do not feed coyotes. Feeding coyotes leads to unsafe situations that can result in human injury and can make coyotes less scared of people.

• Pet food will attract coyotes. Bring in feeding dishes immediately after your pets have eaten or feed pets inside.

• Dispose of garbage and compost in containers that have secure lids, or keep them in the garage or a shed.

• Take your garbage out only on pick up day.

• Do not litter in school areas and parks.

• Keep a clean backyard. Secure seeds and stuff put out for birds as well as pick up fallen fruit. These foods can attract rodents, which are prey for coyotes.

• Make sure your fence has no holes or gaps that a curiousity coyote can use to tresspass in your property.

• Trim out thick shrubs and the bottom of big trees to prevent coyotes or prey animals, such as rabbits or squirrels, from using those spaces as shelter.

• Coyotes and other wildlife may use the spaces under decks and patioes as shelter. Close off these spaces well.

• Talk to your neighbours about following the same preventative measures. to make sure coyotes stop visiting you neigbourhood.

When we all follow coyote safety rules, we can make our city less inviting for coyotes.