Coyotes in Calgary

Coyotes are one of the most divisive species on the North American continent.

They are here, and here for good. By eliminating natural predators and natural barriers of habitat, humans have literally paved the way for coyotes to explore new territories, including the prairies of suburban lawns and the forests of skyscrapers in cities. The arrival of coyotes into the urban scene has undoubtedly changed the way we look at them. Coyotes have proven to us time and again that they will persist no matter what we think of them. While there is a greater awareness of their presence, there is still misunderstanding about their lives and behaviors. At coyotes in Calgary, our goal is not only to educate the public about coyotes, but also bring understanding about coyotes and help them directly.

I don't own any of the coyote pictures and videoes in this website.