St Francis Church Hall and the St James Centre

The Church Hall at St Francis and the St James Centre are ideal for parties, meetings, conferences, meals and much more.

St James Church Centre:

Main hall: £25 an hour (includes use of kitchen)

Ranklin Room: £15 an hour (includes use of kitchen for tea/coffee, snacks)

Use of Oven: £20

Deposit: £100 (returnable)

Free WiFi access

Regular Users: Discuss with the Centre Manager

St Francis Church Hall:

Main Hall: £15 an hour (minimum booking 2 hours)  (includes use of kitchen)

Use of Oven: £20

Deposit: £ 50 (returnable)

Free WiFi access

Regular Users: Discuss with the Parish Office


 Step 1: Contact our volunteer booking officer: 

Tel: 01865  747 680 

or email 

Check the  availability of the space on our web site:

 Link here to Calendar page of web site


 Step 2:   Terms and conditions

Link St James terms and conditions or  Link to St Francis terms and conditions. 



 Step 3: Keeping people safe 

 Parish safeguarding policy

There are two versions 

Groups                  or             Private functions 



Step 4: Booking forms

  St James Centre booking form       or    St Francis Church booking form 

Complete the form for the space you wish to use and return it to the parish office with the correct safeguarding form. 

We trust and pray you will enjoy using our community spaces