COVIntegration Toolkit


It has been 1.5 years since the first Corona measures were announced across the world. Now, in many ways, we are expected to return to life as usual. For many of us, this is a welcome relief. For others of us, we feel downright overwhelmed and uncertain.

This is an attempt to create intentional steps to integrate our experiences and be witnessed again in community. To that end, I created this simple self-care Toolkit that most anyone can use. It is a gift and I offer it to anyone who needs it.

This toolkit is offered as a gift. Clearly an amount of work and love was put into making this.
I also welcome gifts.

If this is something you found benefited your life, please support the work I do.

Within the E.U donations can be sent to the following account:

Aurelie Richards
IBAN: BE88 9670 1160 8741

Outside of the E.U please use Wise and transfer funds to:

Aurelie Richards