Networks as Leaders

Network Discussion Notes

Notes: Weekly Network Community Check-In Calls

Network Community Check-In Call Notes

Notes: Summer Planning and Reopening Rapid Response Group

Notes - Summer Planning Rapid Response Group

Resources for Networks to Utilize

COVID-19 Talking Points for 50 State Afterschool Network

The Afterschool Alliance has put together talking points related to COVID-19 for the networks to use:

Op-Ed Draft for Networks

The Afterschool Alliance, Burness and Holland and Knight have developed an op-ed draft for networks to use. They are available to help you refine it for your context: Lauren Maddox and Laurie Lennon

Sample Email and Survey Language

The Afterschool Alliance has developed sample email and survey language with the goal to collect alternative emails and data on programs with as little burden as possible.

Network Letters to State Leaders

Ignite Afterschool Letter to Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker

Recommendations laid out in the letter include:

  • Utilize the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief funds in the CARES Act to develop an Educational Recovery and Youth Enrichment Program

  • Ensure that Targeted Services funding can be used this summer and allow more flexibility in the use of Targeted Services funds through August 2020

  • Allowing 21st CCLC Flexibility

  • Ensuring meal supports for students

New York State Network for Youth Success Letter to Governor Andrew Cuomo

Recommendations laid out in the letter include:

  • Ensure that New York State is utilizing the supports offered at the federal level to support students, families and staff through CCDBG funding and 21st CCLC grant flexibility

  • Ensure that the New York State Department of Education opted in to the Federal Government Waiver to extend fund availability for Title IV B funds through September 2021 to provide COVID education relief funding and meals supports for students

  • Utilize afterschool and summer programs to implement a statewide “recovery summer“

Wyoming Afterschool Alliance Letter to Governor Gordon and Education Task Force Members

In partnership with Wyoming Kids First, the Wyoming Afterschool Alliance submitted a letter to the Governor and Education Task Force Members to consider. The letter lays out the need for out-of-school time programs and the challenges being faced by programs.

Network Rapid Response Resources

AZ Gives Day: Youth Development Emergency Relief Fund

On Tuesday, April 7th the Arizona Center for Afterschool Excellence (AzCASE) celebrated our 30th anniversary by participating in Arizona Gives Day in benefit of the Youth Development Emergency Relief Fund. The Youth Development Emergency Relief Fund was established by AzCASE to support out-of-school time programs across the state as they respond to the impact of COVID-19 within our community. Find the PPT slides from the April 7th event with funders here:

California AfterSchool Network: Tips for "Fireside Chats"

The California AfterSchool Network has started hosting video interviews or a video "fireside chats" on COVID-19 in partnership with Michael Funk, Director of Expanded Learning Division at the CA Department of Education. Following their first video, CAN put together "fireside chat" tips including: tips on who should be in the video, messaging tips, production tips, and tips around promoting the video.

Illinois ACT Now Coalition: Virtual Town Hall Meetings

The Act Now Coalition has been hosting virtual town hall meetings for 21st CCLC programs. Prior to each meeting, Act Now sends out a survey to programs. Below are the links to the questions sent:

Survey 1:

Survey 2:

Survey 3:

Additionally, you can find the slides that ACT Now put together for the town hall meetings (including an example of a program COVID-19 Response Plan) here:

Maryland Out of School Time Network: Virtual Youth Development Training Series

The MOST Network will be hosting a COVID-19 Virtual Youth Development Training series over the next three weeks. Topics will include: navigating youth safety and privacy online; how to apply for COVID-19 grants and funding; and 25 creative virtual youth engagement ideas in 25 minutes. Learn more about this training series here:

MN Ignite Afterschool: Afterschool Connect (Zoom) Weekly Updates and Conversation

Continuing the conversation for Minnesota's Afterschool providers and stakeholders around COVID-19 response - hosted by Kari Denissen Cunnien and Ignite Afterschool. Learn more at:

Vermont Afterschool Network Virtual Youth Forum

The idea behind the virtual Youth Forum is to create a space for young people (ages 9-26) from across the state to share about their experiences during the COVID-19 crisis and their thoughts on what they hope policy-makers and others are taking into account when we look ahead. The Vermont Afterschool Network hosted the Youth Focum online using a virtual meeting platform with safety protocols enacted. The forum was run similar to a public hearing with each young person having 1-2 minutes to share their personal testimony.

Network COVID-19 Resource Pages and Surveys

COVID-19 Network Resource Pages

Alaska Afterschool Network

The Alaska Afterschool Network has created a resource page to help afterschool programs stay informed and updated about the spread of the disease. Topics include: overview of COVID-19 and the symptoms, information about what to do if someone or their children become ill, ways to reduce the spread of illness in childcare, tips for talking to kids about COVID-19, and information about combating stigma.

California Afterschool Network

The page includes links to consistently updated state and national public health sites, information on providing meals during school closures, resources for your agencies and families, and information on how to reduce stigma in the COVID-19 context.

Connecticut After School Network

This page links to resources for funders and nonprofits.

Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network

Here you will find virtual professional development opportunities, avenues for virtually engaging with youth, resources to pass along to parents and families with youth at home, policy updates, funding information, and self-care strategies.

Idaho Out-of-School Network

The Idaho Out-of-School Network created the page to provide COVID-19 information specific to their community of providers.

Illinois Afterschool for Children and Teens Now (ACT Now) Coalition

ACT Now has developed an up-to-date page to share resources and information regarding COVID-19 to network members, afterschool and childcare providers, and communities at large in Illinois.

Iowa Afterschool Alliance

To support access to information about how best to respond to coronavirus disease, IAA are maintaining this page with links to resources published by state and federal agencies and other reputable sources.

Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership

MAP has dedicated a new page to include all news, resources, and information that they have shared on the coronavirus outbreak.

Michigan After-School Partnership

MASP launched a new page on their website focused on Quality Practices in Critical Times to share stories and resources from and for the Michigan afterschool field as the coronavirus crisis continues.

NJSACC's COVID-19 Update

NJSACC is continuing to updates with links to resources, virtual technical assistance, online professional development opportunities, and phone consultative services.

NMOST COVID-19 Resources and Radio Interview

NMOST has developed a page on their website to provide resources for schools and parents to help keep their children engaged and healthy.

Additionally, May Sagbakken, Director of NMOST, was featured on the radio talkshow Wake Up Call Segment to discuss bringing food, childcare, and remote learning to families in need during COVID-19.


OregonAsk created a map overlaying information about hospitals and childcare options. Data is also included for Oregon schools, KinderCare sites, champion sites Oregon, YMCA sites, Boys & Girls Club sites, and 21st CCLC sites.

Surveys to the Field

Networks have issued surveys to the field focused on understanding the current situation of programs and what kinds of supports might be beneficial. Below are examples of survey questions.

Indiana Afterschool Network

Iowa Afterschool Alliance

Kansas Enrichment Network

Massachusetts Afterschool Partnership

Michigan After-School Partnership

Montana Afterschool Alliance

New Jersey School-Age Care Coalition (NJSACC)

Pennsylvania Statewide Afterschool Youth Development Network (PSAYDN)


Vermont Afterschool

Virginia Partnership for Out-of-School Time (VPOST)