Geo-enabled Microplanning
What is geo-enabled microplanning?
Geo-enabled microplanning involves the application of geospatial data and technologies, including geographic information systems (GIS), to support the planning and monitoring of last-mile service delivery at the local level (health facility and district level). The geo-enabling of microplans, largely driven by experience learned in microplanning for polio, has shown considerable impact on immunization programme coverage, reach, accountability and efficiency.
Using spatial data on the location of populations, health resources, and the surrounding environment in a GIS environment, geo-enabled microplanning can support programs ensure all populations are accounted for, identify gaps in population equitable access to care, and optimize planning for outreach activities to ensure equitability and reach of services.
Given the cross-sectoral nature of the data involved, investment in geo-enabled microplanning also holds significant potential to strengthen health systems and improve coordination across programmes, such as EPI, surveillance, broader PHC, and community health systems.

The Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook
The Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook is a step-by-step resource to designing, planning, implementing, and sustaining a geo-enabled microplan. Since September 2021, 124 expert authors have collaborated through the WHO-UNICEF COVAX GIS Working Group to write, edit and review this crowd-sourced Handbook.
Building from existing microplanning guidance and drawing on lessons learned in previous geo-enabled microplans, the Handbook presents how a microplan can effectively apply GIS and geographic data to improve access to every community and every individual in a campaign.
Launch of the Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook
The COVAX GIS working group held a public launch of version 1 of the Geo-Enabled Microplanning Handbook on 9 March, 2023.
Topics covered:
What is geo-enabled microplanning?
Background on the Handbook: Observed challenges and opportunities for global support of geo-enabled microplanning deployment
Presentation about the Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook
Hear from some co-authors: Lightning presentations on geo-enabled microplanning use cases from Nigeria, Cambodia, India, Zambia and Kenya
Webinar recording
Questions from the Launch webinar:
Will the handbook/eLearning course be available in my language?
We have plans to translate the handbook and eLearning course into French and possibly other languages in the coming months. If you would like to use the handbook/eLearning in another language, please let us know so we can prioritize.
How can I find out about funding opportunities for microplanning?
Funding for national and subnational programs has been available in the past, both for specific campaign activities and general capacity development for geo-enablement. For information on possible future funding opportunities, please stay connected to the COVAX GIS working group for updates on upcoming funding opportunities.
What feedback mechanism will we use for the handbook?
Please stay connected to the COVAX GIS Working Group and reach out to Ravi Shankar and Rocco Panceira with your feedback:;
Will the handbook/eLearning course be available in my language?
We have plans to translate the handbook and eLearning course into French and possibly other languages in the coming months. If you would like to use the handbook/eLearning in another language, please let us know so we can prioritize.
Where will the handbook be hosted?
The Handbook is hosted on the COVAX GIS Working Group website, which can be accessed here:
Will the Handbook be published in hard copy?
How will we make the handbook a living document?
The Handbook is intended to be regularly updated, based on feedback captured as countries digest the content and implement programmes.
We do not have plans to print copies of the Handbook, but you are welcome to print the PDF to have it available in print format.
How can the Handbook be cited?
Please cite the Handbook using the following citation:
Geo-enabled Microplanning Handbook. Working document publication, 2023. WHO-UNICEF COVAX GIS Working Group. Accessed from:
Where will the eLearning course be located?
UN Agora will be the host Learning Management System, with the option to have the course hosted on other platforms as well. Please stay tuned for updates on the eLearning course.
Stay in touch about your microplanning activities!
For further questions, feedback, or technical or programmatic support for the Handbook, please reach out to WHO and UNICEF COVAX team leads:
Ravi Shankar Santhana Gopala Krishnan, and
Rocco Panciera