

by SlipShady on 30/05/2020 13:31 CET

As the situation has clearly calmed down for a few weeks, there's just a few of our team still updating.

Therefore it is now impossible to have all country updated on the same day. Please expect some delay for a lot of countries in Europe, we'll try to regularly update them but maybe not on a daily basis.

As well, we had to remove a few country specific maps, those are Ireland, Italy, Sweden, UK and Belgium as they weren't updated for a long time.

We'll be still updating as much as we can as we would like to see how it will end and give you as much data as we can gather.

The whole idea at the beginning of this project was only to give Europe a general tracking place where one could easily find every info on every country and see how the situation evolves geographically.

Thank you for staying around.


by SlipShady on 28/04/2020 14:33 CET

Changed World Map.


by SlipShady on 25/04/2020 15:00 CET

Added Turkey page to Europe. We're now updating all numbers from the start and adding those to the World Map and the Europe one.


by SlipShady on 24/04/2020 19:00 CET

Added Italy region map.


by SlipShady on 24/04/2020 11:30 CET

Added Belgium region map.

Added new cases, deaths, recovered for current day with source and screenshot for every country in Europe on their respective page.


by SlipShady on 21/04/2020 23:38 CET

Added Ireland, Sweden, UK, Spain and Czech Republic region map on their respective page.

Also we are (finally!) releasing all our sources from now on, you can find them on the bottom of Europe, USA and Canada page or on their respective "Sources" page.


by SlipShady on 20/04/2020 22:00 CET
  • We've started working on publishing our sources. They will be soon available.

  • Due to an error in counting numbers in France for the past two weeks, which was caused by French ministry starting counting ESMS cases as well, we had to subtract around 60,000 cases from the country.

We're deeply sorry. French numbers have all been rechecked and are now up to date.


by SlipShady on 19/04/2020 12:30 CET

Europe, USA and Canada have their own map with all different metrics we've gathered in one place (hover over the bottom left corner of each map to change them). Still working on a per region in each country maps which are not directly connected to our database yet.


by SlipShady on 18/04/2020 18:00 CET

Started granular region map per country visualisation starting with Germany and Poland. Still a Work In Progress.


by SlipShady on 17/04/2020 14:30 CET

Maps available for Europe and the USA.


by SlipShady on 17/04/2020 13:00 CET

Added maps to Europe and the USA pages. Making new ones.


by SlipShady on 05/04/2020 18:45 CET

Added Canada and all of its provinces. We're now adding numbers for each day, expect a little delay until it is complete!


by SlipShady on 01/04/2020 17:40 CET

Updated every USA states and territories to the general layout.


by SlipShady on 31/03/2020 19:45 CET

We've changed numbers layout for each country in Europe. Added Kosovo as well.


by SlipShady on 31/03/2020 13:45 CET

As you've surely have already seen, there have been some changes on the website with disposition and how data is displayed.

We're still tweaking it to find the best outcome and we'll then start to do the same for each country. Expect the website to change a lot in the next days.

We're also looking into responsiveness of the website for tablet and mobile version !

Finally I wanted to share with you that the website has passed 1,000 unique visitors in total yesterday and more than 10,000 pages viewed! Thank you all!


by SlipShady on 30/03/2020 00:00 CET

All Europe countries have now been updated so everyone can see graphs and numbers !
Currently working on USA. If you see any error, please let us know, we'll investigate asap.


by SlipShady on 29/03/2020 18:42 CET

We're updating as quick as possible all countries and states. As we restricted access to the documents, we now must redo all graphs for each country. We're sorry for the delay.


by SlipShady on 29/03/2020 13:12 CET

Updated Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California and Colorado.


by SlipShady on 29/03/2020 00:45 CET
  • Added all non-state territories to the USA

  • Created all states and territories pages of USA


by SlipShady on 28/03/2020 16:18 CET

Updated all countries in Europe.


by SlipShady on 28/03/2020 15:00 CET

Updated countries pages in Europe which start with C to P.


by SlipShady on 28/03/2020 13:00 CET

Updated countries pages in Europe which start with A to C. Also updated France, Germany and Italy.