Working Papers

Employer Reallocation During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Validation and Application of a Do-It-Yourself CPS, November 2022, Bick and Blandin, pdf; conditionally accpected, Review of Economic Dynamics

Work from Home Before and After the COVID-19 Outbreak, September 2022, Bick, Blandin and Mertens, pdf; conditionally accpected, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics; see also our Dallas FED Blog Posts from September 1, 2020 and from March 30, 2021.

Real-Time Labor Market Estimates During the 2020 Coronavirus Outbreak, Bick and Blandin

Starting with Wave 3, the Real-Time Population Survey is conducted in collaboration with the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. The results from the Real-Time Population Survey do not represent official forecasts or views of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, its President, the Federal Reserve System, or the Federal Open Market Committee.