
36. T. Chen, C. Huang, B. Gadway, J. P. Covey, Quantum walks and correlated dynamics in an interacting synthetic Rydberg lattice”, arXiv:2404.00740 (2024). [arXiv

35. T. Chen*, C. Huang*, I. Velkovsky, T. Ozawa, H. Price, J. P. Covey, B. Gadway, (*equal contribution) “Interaction-driven breakdown of Aharonov--Bohm caging in flat-band Rydberg lattices”, arXiv:2404.00737 (2024). [arXiv

34. Z. Jia, W. Huie, L. Li, W. K. C. Sun, X. Hu, Aakash, H. Kogan, A. Karve, J. Y. Lee, J. P. Covey, “An architecture for two-qubit encoding in neutral ytterbium-171 atoms”, arXiv:2402.13134 (2024). [arXiv

33. T. Chen*, C. Huang*, I. Velkovsky, K. R. A. Hazzard, J. P. Covey, and B. Gadway, (*equal contribution) “Strongly interacting Rydberg atoms in synthetic dimensions with a magnetic flux”, Nature Communications 15, 2675 (2024). [Nature Comm., arXiv

32. W. Huie, L. Li, N. Chen, X. Hu, Z. Jia, W. K. C. Sun, and J. P. Covey, “Repetitive readout and real-time control of nuclear spin qubits in 171Yb atoms”, PRX Quantum 4, 030337 (2023). [PRX Quantum, arXiv

-Featured in Physics (alongside related work from the Kaufman group and Atom Computing): "Viewpoint: Midcircuit Operations in Atomic Arrays" "Nondestructive measurement realized in ytterbium qubits, aiding scalable neutral atom quantum computing"

-IQUIST News: "Covey group demonstrates nondestructive measurement of ytterbium qubits, aiding the development of neutral atom quantum computing"

31. J. P. Covey, H. Weinfurter, and H. Bernien, “Quantum networks with neutral atom processing nodes”, npj Quantum Information 9, 90 (2023). [npj QI,  arXiv

30. S. J. Masson, J. P. Covey, S. Will, and A. Asenjo-Garcia, “Dicke superradiance in ordered arrays of multilevel atoms”, PRX Quantum 5, 010344 (2024). [PRX Quantum, arXiv

29. L. Li, W. Huie, N. Chen, B. DeMarco, and J. P. Covey, “Active cancellation of servo-induced noise on stabilized lasers via feedforward”, Physical Review Applied 18, 064005 (2022). [PRApplied, arXiv

28. A. J. Sigillito, J. P. Covey,  J. M. Fink, K. Petersson, and S. Preble, “Emerging qubit systems: Guest editorial”, Applied Physics Letters 120, 190401 (2022). [APL

27. J. P. Covey, “Microwave-optical transducer efficiency boost”, Nature Photonics 16, 262-264 (2022). [Nat. Phot. News & Views

26. J. P. Covey, “Atom arrays for superresolution imaging”, Physics 15, 23 (2022). [APS Viewpoint

25. N. Chen*, L. Li*, W. Huie*, M. Zhao, I. Vetter, C. H. Greene, and J. P. Covey, (*equal contribution) “Analyzing the Rydberg-based optical-metastable-ground architecture for 171Yb nuclear spins”, Phys. Rev. A 105, 052438 (2022). [PRA , arXiv

24. J. Ang'ong'a, C. Huang, J. P. Covey, and B. Gadway, “Gray molasses cooling of 39K atoms in optical tweezers”, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 013240 (2022). [PRR, arXiv

-APS Editor's Suggestion

23. W. Huie, S. G. Menon, H. Bernien, and J. P. Covey, “Multiplexed telecommunication-band quantum networking with atom arrays in optical cavities”, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 043154 (2021). [PRR, arXiv

22. J. Choi*, A. L. Shaw*, I. S. Madjarov, X. Xie, J. P. Covey, J. S. Cotler, D. K. Mark, H.-Y. Huang, A. Kale, H. Pichler, F. G.S.L. Brandao, S. Choi, and M. Endres, (*equal contribution) “Preparing random states and benchmarking with many-body quantum chaos”, arXiv (2021), Nature 613, 468-473 (2023). [Nature, arXiv

-Nature Physics News and Views: "They're so random" news: "Can you trust your quantum simulator? New technique helps verify accuracy of experiments"

-Caltech News: "Randomness in Quantum Machines Helps Verify Their Accuracy"

-MIT News: "Can you trust your quantum simulator?"

21. V. V. Albert, J. P. Covey, and J. Preskill, “Robust encoding of a qubit in a molecule”, Phys. Rev. X 10, 031050 (2020). [PRX , arXiv

-Selected for an APS Physics Featured Synopsis

-Caltech News,, and "A Molecular Approach to Quantum Computing" "A Molecular Approach to Quantum Computing Leads to Fewer Errors"

-Pasadena Now newspaper: "New Caltech Research Demonstrates How Use of Molecules in Quantum Computing Produces Fewer Errors"

20. I. S. Madjarov*, J. P. Covey*, A. L. Shaw, J. Choi, A. Kale, A. Cooper, H. Pichler, V. Schkolnik, J. R. Williams, and M. Endres, (*equal contribution) “High-fidelity entanglement and detection of alkaline-earth Rydberg atoms”, Nature Physics 16, 857-861 (2020). [Nature Physics, arXiv

-Nature Physics News and Views: “A boost to Rydberg quantum computing” 

-Caltech News: "Quantum Innovations Achieved Using Alkaline-Earth Atoms"

19. N. Lauk, N. Sinclair, S. Barzanjeh, J. P. Covey, M. Saffman, M. Spiropulu, and C. Simon, “Prospectives on quantum transduction”, Quantum Science and Technology 5, 020501 (2020). [QST, arXiv

18. I. S. Madjarov, A. Cooper, A. L. Shaw, J. P. Covey, V. Schkolnik, T. H. Yoon, J. R. Williams, M. Endres, “An Atomic-Array Optical Clock with Single-Atom Readout”, Phys. Rev. X, 9, 041052 (2019). [PRX, arXiv]

-Featured in Physics: "Viewpoint: "Tweezer Clock" Offers New Possibilities in Timekeeping"

-Caltech News: "'Tweezer Clock' May Help Tell Time More Precisely"

17. J. P. Covey, A. Sipahigil, M. Saffman, “Microwave-to-optical conversion via four-wave-mixing in a cold ytterbium ensemble”, Phys. Rev. A 100, 012307 (2019). [PRA, arXiv

16. J. P. Covey, I. S. Madjarov, A. Cooper, and M. Endres, “2000-times repeated imaging of strontium atoms in clock-magic tweezer arrays ”, Phys. Rev. Lett 122, 173201 (2019). [PRL, arXiv]

-APS Editor's Suggestion

-Nature News and Views: “The next step in making arrays of single atoms”

15. J. P. Covey, A. Sipahigil, S. Szoke, N. Sinclair, M. Endres, and O. J. Painter, “Telecom-band quantum interfaces with ytterbium atoms and silicon nanophotonics”, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 034044 (2019). [PRApplied, arXiv]

-APS Editor's Suggestion

14. L. De Marco, G. Valtolina, K. Matsuda, W. Tobias, J. P. Covey, and J. Ye, “A Fermi Degenerate Gas of Polar Molecules”, Science 363, 6429 853-856 (2019) . [Science, arXiv]

-Science: Featured on the Cover

-Science Perspective: “Ultracold and unreactive fermionic molecules”

-Nature Physics News and Views: “Ultracold Molecules: The Quest for Quantum Degeneracy”

-Nature Physics Research Highlight: “Long-awaited degeneracy”

-JILA Research Highlight: “The First Quantum Degenerate Polar Molecules”

-NIST Tech Beat: “JILA Researchers Make Coldest Quantum Gas of Molecules” “Researchers make coldest quantum gas of molecules”

13. A. Cooper, J. P. Covey, I. S. Madjarov, S. G. Porsev, M. S. Safronova, and M. Endres, “Alkaline-earth atoms in optical tweezers”, Phys. Rev. X 8, 041055 (2018). [PRX, arXiv]

-Featured in Physics: "Viewpoint: Alkaline Atoms Held with Optical Tweezers"

-Nature News and Views: “The next step in making arrays of single atoms”

12. J. P. Covey, L. De Marco, O. L. Acevedo, A. M. Rey, and J. Ye, “An approach to spin-resolved molecular gas microscopy”, New Journal of Physics 20, 043031 (2018). [NJP, arXiv

11. J. P. Covey, Enhanced optical and electric manipulation of a quantum gas of KRb molecules, PhD thesis (2017), Springer Thesis, ISBN: 978-3319981062 (2018). [Springer

10. S. A. Moses, J. P. Covey, M. T. Miecnikowski, D. S. Jin, and J. Ye, “New frontiers for quantum gases of polar molecules”, Nature Physics 13, 1 13-20 (2017). [Nature Physics, arXiv]

-JILA Research Highlight: “Molecules at the Quantum Frontier”

9. J. P. Covey, S. A. Moses, D. S. Jin, and J. Ye, “Controlling Ultracold Chemical Reactions using Optical Lattices,” chapter in Cold Chemistry: Molecular Scattering and Reactivity Near Absolute Zero, Royal Society of Chemistry, ISBN: 978-1-78262-597-1 (2017). [RSC, arXiv

8. J. P. Covey, S. A. Moses, M. Garttner, A. Safavi-Naini, M. T. Miecnikowski, Z. Fu, J. Schachenmayer, P. S. Julienne, A. M. Rey, D. S. Jin, and J. Ye, “Doublon dynamics and polar molecule production in an optical lattice”, Nature Communications 7, 11279 (2016). [Nature Communications, arXiv]

-JILA Research Highlight: “The Ultramodern Molecule Factory: 1. Doublons”

-JQI Research News: “Atomic pairs offer platform for frigid physics”

7. S. A. Moses, J. P. Covey, M. T. Miecnikowski, B. Yan, B. Gadway, J. Ye, and D. S. Jin, “Creation of a low entropy quantum gas of polar molecules in an optical lattice”, Science 350, 6261 (2015). [Science, arXiv]

-OSA Optics and Photonics News: “A Quantum Crystal of Polar Molecules”

-NIST Quantum Physics Division: “It's a Beauty: JILA's Quantum Crystal is Now More Valuable”

-Next Big Future: “Ultracold Quantum Crystal packed with 5 times more  molecules”

-JILA Research Highlight: “A Thousand Splendid Pairs”

6. K. R. A. Hazzard, B. Gadway, M. Foss-Feig, B. Yan, S. A. Moses, J. P. Covey, N. Yao, M. D. Lukin, J. Ye, D. S. Jin, and A. M. Rey, “Many-body dynamics of dipolar molecules in an optical lattice”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 195302 (2014). [PRL, arXiv

5. B. Zhu, B. Gadway, M. Foss-Feig, J. Schachenmayer, M. L. Wall, K. R. A. Hazzard, B. Yan, S. A. Moses, J. P. Covey, D. S. Jin, J. Ye, M. Holland, and A. M. Rey, “Suppressing the Loss of Ultracold Molecules Via the Continuous Quantum Zeno Effect”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 070404 (2014). [PRL, arXiv]

-Selected for APS Editor's Suggestion

-JILA Research Highlight: “Dealing with loss”

4. B. Yan, S. A. Moses, B. Gadway, J. P. Covey, K. R. A. Hazzard, A. M. Rey, D. S. Jin, and J. Ye, “Observation of dipolar spin-exchange interactions with lattice-confined polar molecules,” Nature 501, 521-525 (2013). [Nature, arXiv]

-Nature News and Views: “Rotating molecules as quantum magnets”

-IOP Physics World: “Molecules line up in laser grid”

-NIST Tech Beat: “Beyond Quantum Simulation: JILA Physicists Create  'Crystal' of Spin-swapping Ultracold Gas Molecules”

-JILA Research Highlight: “The Great Spin Swap”

3. B. Neyenhuis, B. Yan, S. A. Moses, J. P. Covey, A. Chotia, A. Petrov, S. Kotochigova, J. Ye, and D. S. Jin, “Anisotropic Polarizability of Ultracold Polar 40K87Rb Molecules,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 230403 (2012). [PRL, arXiv]

-Selected for APS Editor's Suggestion

2. A. Chotia, B. Neyenhuis, S. A. Moses, B. Yan, J. P. Covey, M. Foss-Feig, A. M. Rey, D. S. Jin, and J. Ye, “Long-lived dipolar molecules and Feshbach molecules in a 3D optical lattice,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 080405 (2012). [PRL, arXiv

1. J. P. Covey, Towards collectively encoding quantum information in cold holmium atoms, B.S. Thesis (2011).