Studying creative writing will help you enhance your general linguistic skills and hone your unique writing voice. You'll learn new ways to express yourself clearly and creatively in various written forms. Those enhanced communication skills can be a powerful asset in the business world as well as your personal life.

Looking for an online free course on creative writing? Check out the range of Coursera courses on offer, such as the Write Your First Novel, Poetry Workshop, Writing for Children, Historical Fiction and Write a Feature Length Screenplay for Film or Television. Whatever genre you are interested in, there's something for everyone!

Coursera Creative Writing

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If you're just starting out in creative writing, then a few of the best beginner courses to get you started are Karl Gude: Creativity, English Composition, Writing Your World, Writing About Ourselves, and Writing English at the University Level. These courses will help you develop the skills, knowledge, and practice you need to become an effective creative writer.

If you're looking to improve your writing skills and take your creativity to the next level, check out the Advanced Creative Writing course. Participants can gain a better understanding of themselves and their work through Know Thyself: The Unconscious and discover effective content marketing techniques. Additionally, those looking to have a better grasp of the English language can find help in the Advanced Grammar Project.

Creative writing involves the creation of original and imaginative texts. These texts tend to convey ideas through structured narratives. Creative writing takes on many forms, including novels, novellas, short stories, play scripts, and poems. The works can be fiction, nonfiction, or a blend of true events with fantasy elements.

Many creative writing students aspire to be novelists, but creative writing skills can prepare you for various careers, including copywriting, screenwriting, and songwriting. Aim to combine your writing skills with knowledge of other subjects. For example, understanding music theory will help aspiring songwriters. Knowledge of marketing techniques can help a copywriter develop persuasive ads. Screenwriters will benefit from film theory and acting classes. Creative writing can also prepare you for a position as a social media manager, communications director, or public relations specialist.

Online creative writing courses will help you brush up on the basics of grammar, punctuation, and spelling, and you'll discover effective ways to structure a narrative and pace the story. Some lessons will focus on developing characters and settings. A comprehensive course covers different forms of writing, including personal essays and poetry, giving you the tools to express yourself in various ways. These online courses give you convenient access to lessons, so you can proceed at your own pace.

This Specialization covers elements of three major creative writing genres: short story, narrative essay, and memoir. You will master the techniques that good writers use to compose a bracing story, populated with memorable characters in an interesting setting, written in a fresh descriptive style. You will analyze and constructively evaluate peer writing. In the Capstone, you will draft, rewrite, and complete a substantial original story in the genre of your choosing.

Our courses are designed for anyone from the aspiring short story writer to established novelist. Whether you have a finished novel sitting on your desk calling for a fresh look or have had the germ of an idea for a decade, this Specialization gives you tools to achieve your goal. Through 4 courses focused on a key aspect of writing, and taken in any order you choose, you will develop a stronger ability to not only refine your writing, but critique writing in general and find inspiration in the works you are already reading.

Thanks to our sponsors, upon completion of their first assignment, learners in each course will receive up to an 80% discount from Write-Bros and a 30% discount off their first purchase from Scrivener to use on their writing software. Additionally, learners who complete an assignment will receive 30% off membership at the online writing community Scribophile. For more information about our partners, see the FAQ below.

At the center of a good story are the characters in it. In this course aspiring writers will discover how to build and bring to life complex, vivid and unforgettable characters. We will study the choices a writer makes to bring all characters to life on the page, and we will perform written exercises in order to develop a variety of writing and pre-writing techniques, in order to create a variety of characters. We will learn how to use our own life experiences, and the people we know (and how not to!). We will develop inner (thoughts and feelings) and outer (appearance, habits, behavior) lives for our characters and see how that can lead us to richer and more interesting stories. We will breathe life into our characters and let them surprise us.

In this course aspiring writers will be introduced to the techniques that masters of fiction use to ground a story in a concrete world. From the most realist settings to the most fantastical, writers will learn how to describe the physical world in sharp, sensory detail. We will also learn how to build credibility through research, and to use creative meditation exercises to deepen our own understanding of our story worlds, so that our readers can see all that we imagine.

Write Brothers ( offers several different tools for writers to craft their stories in an environment dedicated to writing, including Dramatica Pro, Outline 4D, and Movie Magic Screenwriter. The software is designed to help with all phases of writing, from brainstorming to outlining to formatting.

Scribophile ( is a writing community focused on feedback, a central tenet of the Specialization you're embarking on here. Share your work, receive thoughtful critiques from other writers, improve your writing craft, and engage in a strong community of "the friendliest and most successful writing workshop online."

I've been a hobby writer for years, never wrote or finished anything worthwhile. A month ago I decided to go at writing with the same discipline I apply towards fitness. For me that means 1000 words a day, compiled and edited into a short story 5000-6000 words a week. But the most helpful thing to me by far is this course. I pay 50 a month, and the first 7 minute video changed my writing forever. The questions and discussions I see on this subreddit everyday are all answered in this course. I'm only one month through though, and I was curious if anyone else has taken this course the whole way through, and what their results were?

Click above to find links to all our courses across disciplines such as psychology, philosophy, creative writing, data, and more. Accounts on the platform are free and all courses can be audited. For a small fee, each course has access to graded assignments, the successful fulfillment of which confers a certificate of completion.

The best online writing courses offer you the chance to take your natural writing skills and shape them into a form that will open the doors in your chosen field. Whether you want to pen tv sitcom scripts or write the next great American novel, the best online writing course for you will take you further than you would be able to go on your own, helping you develop professional-level skills that will allow you to obtain the job of your choice. We based our decisions for the best courses on the following criteria.

Certificate of completion. A certificate of completion is not standard for writing courses. However, if one is available, it is often a plus to add the certificate to your resume and LinkedIn profile.

Our top pick from MasterClass is Shonda Rhimes MasterClass on writing for television, although there are a number of excellent options for writers, including courses taught by Neil Gaiman, David Sedaris, and Joyce Carol Oates. Rhimes packs a lot into her 30 lessons, including how to create a compelling character, script structure, and writing authentic dialogue. But she also takes it beyond writing instruction, discussing editing, breaking into the industry, and showrunning, among other TV-centric topics. Your annual membership to MasterClass also gives you access to a pdf workbook and the opportunity to download the classes and watch them offline. Rhimes is one of the biggest names in television today and an engaging speaker who seems to relish letting learners in on all the secrets that got her to where she is today.

Authors tell stories in a written medium. They may generate their own work based on their personal interests or areas of expertise, or they may work on commission for a third party. The writing process includes brainstorming, researching, outlining, drafting, and revising. Because authors typically work on contract, their salaries vary widely. As of May 2021, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the median annual salary for writers and authors is $69,510. Authors receive payment through a combination of advances, royalties, and net receipts or via a flat fee.

Screenwriters and playwrights use their creative writing talents to tell stories through performance-based mediums like TV, film, and live theater. These roles are often collaborative, with writers working as part of a team that includes directors, producers, actors, and designers. Screenwriters and playwrights must generate ideas, conduct research, outline, write, and rewrite. These jobs are often contractual, with salaries varying greatly. According to, screenwriters earn a median annual salary of $67,501. e24fc04721

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