Dotzot Courier Tracking

Enter the Air waybill or the tracking number of Dotzot courier to get the parcel status.

Dotzot Tracking

Dotzot is a delivery service supplier to the E-commerce industry in India. Established in 2012 and headquartered in Bangalore, Karnataka, India with roughly 8400 employees. Dotzot courier is a master delivery service provider and is an activity of DTDC courier and cargo ltd, a chief express dispatch organization with the size, scale and delivery system of 11000 or more pin codes and 2300 urban places across India. Dotzot offers the primary pan India service, concentrated solely on the E-rating fragment with a span of 8000 of more Pin Codes and 2300 urban areas. Dotzot courier tracking is used to trace the article or consignment status.

Dotzot frameworks and procedures are custom fitted for E-commerce. Dotzot goal is to help E-retailers obtain, hold and develop their clients by giving a remarkable conveyance experience. Dotzot offers a delivery service that is about giving you unrivaled quality, combined with the adaptability and dependability to develop your E-retail business.

Dotzot has the achieve, size, speed and deftness to handle any volume of business, while it works with organizations to synchronize the experience they need to provide for their clients with services, innovation and procedures concentrated on E-commerce to guarantee consistent perfectibility of shipments and ongoing stream of data. Sanjiv Kathuria is the Co-founder and CEO of Dotzot and he have legally half endorsement rating. In 2015, Dotzot dispatches Dotzot plus with 24 Hour conveyance certification crosswise over significant urban areas.

dotzot courier tracking

Track Dotzot Courier

As a customer, you can track the courier in one of the following methods.

  • Dotzot courier tracking can be done simply by entering consignment or parcel or shipment number in the official website tracking form and then press the enter button then the user get the Tracking information.

  • Or visit the official website of Dotzot, where you can found tracking status.

Dotzot Courier Services

  • Premium service: Next day business day delivery in all metros, 2 To 3 days delivery pan India, only available for prepaid parcels, maximum weight per parcel is 10 kg and delivery from Monday to Saturday (except national holidays).

  • Express service: Delivery across 9900+ pin codes, 3 delivery attempts without surcharge, maximum weight per parcel is 32 Kg and delivery from Monday to Saturday (except national holidays).

  • Economy service: Delivery across 9900+ pin codes, 3 delivery attempts without surcharge, minimum weight per parcel is 10 Kg; maximum weight per parcel is 68 Kg and delivery from Monday to Saturday (except national holidays).

  • Connivance, cost effective quicker and easy returns.

  • Seamless integration. And real time parcel tracking.

  • Live reports. And location based analytics.

  • Anomaly tracking and resolution.

  • Reverse logistics. And cash on delivery.

  • 11000 pin codes (pre-paid) 2300 cities, 7500 pin codes (cash on delivery) and 1045 pickup stores.