Courier Management Software

Courier software: information technology can assist to build a network

Courier is a service or a system including chain of suppliers, delivery modes and payment the gateway through which products are commercially supplied from the producer to the end consumer within the specified time. Logistics becomes the most demanding job in each industry due to the highest eCommerce popularity. In this competitive era, when there is no time to waste logistics become fully digitised? Digitisation is a process where the combination of physical devices and technical solution design all the logistics activities with the owner. Courier management software helps you to design a well-planned, effective platform where you are enabled to control, implement all the tasks, storing of related information and flow of the right product from the origin to the end consumer at the right time.

Logistic the industry is such have a wide area of the market. In this article, we are talking about the courier services that are assisted by the IT industry by designing the courier management software. Alien web is a good notch software development company from Jaipur in India for its services. In any online business, whether it is related to e-commerce or any other manual delivery, the best courier software development company plays an important part in the success of the courier company. In my point of view, any courier company just needs a well-designed delivery and dispatching software. And Alienweb fulfils all the requirements with multi platform booking system, mobile apps, facility of automatic billing with smart dispatching of goods that definitely increase your profit. Our professional technicians and developers design the software for all the sizes of Courier Company. In the observation of our skilled team, you are enabled to start and manage our software from any place in the world. Our software is just not standard software, it’s an advanced designed that adept as per the time requirements new market conditions. Our provided technology platform is fully tried and tested.

As we know in our traditional way of courier services men power are working and there are lots of troubles accrued during providing the services just like large data maintenance, accuracy, on the time delivery, a dedicated workforce, etc. but now with the help of information technology sector, it is possible to come out such problems and provide best services with customer satisfaction. Now with the use of technology you are enabling to store large data accurately and track or control your workforce easily. It makes it more cost and time-efficient service. And our software can be accessed both in mobile phones and online.

With the help of our software you can best deal with the major aspect of your courier business such as:

1. Supply and supplier management,

2. Freight and charges auditing,

3. Delivery mode and schedule,

4. Vehicle tracking,

5. Parcel booking and weight,

6. Email and SMS facility for updating

7. Barcoding of parcel

8. Advertisement and promotion

Now we are talking about the software features that we are provided to you no matter what kind of size of your company.

  • User interface:
  • Operational and back office management:
  • Live to track:
  • Branch management:
  • Workforce management:
  • Client management:
  • Parcel pickup management:
  • Account settlement:
  • Parcel delivery management:

Alienweb brings up your courier company at the next level with our advanced courier management software. For more satisfaction you can take a demo and after that we are waiting for your response.