This is a complete list of all country ISO codes as described in the ISO 3166 international standard.

These codes are used throughout the IT industry by computer systems and software to ease the identification of country names.

We have compiled them in the quick reference table below in order to help our clients do quick conversions from the numeric or 2 letter code to any country name.

Member States of the European Union (EU) and other countries have been assigned a two-letter country code, always written in capital letters, and often used as an abbreviation in statistical analyses, tables, figures or maps.

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The protocol order in which countries are often listed is based on the alphabetical list of countries in their national language for EU and EFTA Member States and for candidate countries; for potential candidates, it is based on the alphabetical order of their country code.

Where's the list of valid country abbreviations for making them accessible in a livery? I looked in the mission files, and most countries are spelled out instead of abbreviated, except the team setup where they're identified purely by number.

Some countries' abbreviations are not so obvious (the country that has the abbreviation MKD doesn't even start with the letter M), and others are abbreviated from the French words for the country, or the language of the country itself. For example, Switzerland is abbreviated SUI, for the French word Suisse.

The names of countries or areas refer to their short form used in day-to-day operations of the United Nations and not necessarily to their official name as used in formal documents. These names are based on the United Nations Terminology Database (UNTERM).2 The designations employed and the presentation of material at this site do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

The list of geographic regions presents the composition of geographical regions used by the Statistics Division in its publications and databases. Each country or area is shown in one region only. These geographic regions are based on continental regions; which are further subdivided into sub-regions and intermediary regions drawn as to obtain greater homogeneity in sizes of population, demographic circumstances and accuracy of demographic statistics.

The abbreviation to use = ISO code, except for Greece, for which EL is recommended (instead of the ISO code GR). The former abbreviations (generally taken from the international code for automobiles) were used until the end of 2002.

These short codes are intuitive, so they can be used as a universal and instant informative representation of each country. The abbreviations are used in postal services, world currencies, travel and business activities, and web address identification.

At ALLCOMPETITIONS we use the same three-letter abbreviation country codes as the International Olympic Committee (IOC). After the admission as full members of Kosovo in December 2014 and South Sudan in August 2015, there are currently 206 NOCs (National Olympic Committees), which are shown with its associated flag. Extinct and variation codes are withouth the flag, listed in small letters and further explained if necessary. You can use the search engine for a shortcut.

For prices and forms by country, use the tool: USPS Lookup a Country's Price Groups and Limits. Select a Country from the menu, and learn the mailing options, calculate postage, and access Customs forms.

From a triple lutz to a double cork, there are plenty of sports terms to know as you watch the 2018 Winter Olympic Games in PyeongChang, South Korea. But some of the most baffling expressions for many Olympics viewers have been the three-letter country abbreviations used by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as designations for the dozens of countries competing. Some of them are clear (USA), but what country is meant by BLR, AUT or SUI? (As it turns out: Belarus, Austria and Switzerland.)

The ISO 3166 classification defines unique two- and three-digit-codes for all countries worldwide. This list below offers an overview of all two-digit ISO country codes (ISO-3166 Alpha-2) for all European countries.

LocaleMatch transformTwo letter country abbreviationsTwo letter language abbreviationsISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country codesISO 639 Two-letter language codes

2. Type the city name and two-letter state/province/country abbreviation or fully spelled out state name in the City field, then click Add Stop or press the Enter key on your keyboard. The city and state/country do not need to be capitalized, but do need to be separated by either a comma or a space. The city name can be any length. If the city name contains two or three words, each portion of the city name must be separated by spaces.

If PC*MILER Worldwide or DTOD Data is installed, country abbreviations outside North America may be entered using FIPS 2-character, ISO 2-character, ISO 3-character, GENC 2-character or GENC 3-character codes. To choose one of those formats for stop entry, select the File menu > Application Settings > Worldwide.

This table lists the name and two-character abbreviation for each state adopted from the Standard State and U.S. Territory Abbreviations as found in the Address Information System Products Technical Guide prepared by the United States Postal Service. The country for the states and U.S. territories listed below is USA.

For instance, is in the UnitedKingdom. The trick is to look at the last two letter of the emailaddress. They will usually be a fairly obvious abbreviation of thecountry name

There are a few common trends in abbreviating that you should follow when using MLA, though there are always exceptions to these rules. For a complete list of common abbreviations used in academic writing, see Appendix 1 in the MLA Handbook (9th ed.).

The MLA Handbook (9th ed.) encourages users to adhere to the common scholarly abbreviations for both in-text citations and in the works-cited page. Here is the list of common scholarly abbreviations from Appendix 1 of the MLA Handbook (9th ed.) with a few additions: e24fc04721

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