Count Days - Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Last Updated: April 3, 2024

Welcome to my app. This Privacy Policy is short because, honestly, there's not much to say - I don't collect or store your personal information. As an independent developer, I've designed this app to respect your privacy and security from the ground up.

Limited Internet Use:

The only time this app uses the internet is to fetch available tipping options from the App Store and to handle transactions. This limited online functionality ensures that your experience remains focused on the app's main features, without compromising your privacy. Apart from these transactions, the app operates offline, and no personal data is collected, stored, or accessed by me.

Payments and Tips:

Should you decide to support my work with a tip, thank you! This process is managed entirely through Apple's App Store, meaning your payment information is secure. I have no access to, nor do I collect, any of your payment details. Apple's secure platform handles everything, ensuring your financial data remains private.

Your Privacy Rights:

With no data collection, your privacy rights remain intact and uncompromised. There's nothing to manage or worry about.

Updates to This Policy:

Should anything change in the way the app operates, I'll update this policy to reflect those changes. But given the app's nature, significant changes are unlikely.

Thank you for your support and for using Count Days!