Social Support

Real Time Resources:

If you or someone you know might be experiencing an unhealthy or abusive relationship, please seek immediate help from one of the following resources:

TEXT: Get in touch with a peer advocate by texting “loveis” to 22522*. You will receive an immediate response from a peer advocate who will help you find solutions to your situation.

VOICE CALL: When you call 1-866-331-9474, a peer advocate will first ask if you are in a safe place to talk. Once you are, they will ask you to explain your situation and provide support and education.

CALL: The National Domestic Violence Hotline 1-800-799-7233, provides expert support for anyone experiencing unhealthy or abusive behavior or seeking information on aspects of their relationship.

(Resources provided by &

Relationships: Healthy vs. Unhealthy

In general, friends are good for our mental and physical health. However, sometimes we find ourselves questioning whether or not our friends are "good" for us. If you find yourself reflecting on your relationships, good for you! It is healthy and normal to desire respect, fun, equality, and honesty in relationships AND you deserve it!

So, maybe its time to take a look at the friendships in your life. Are they healthy or unhealthy? Check out the video to guide you. If you have questions or concerns about your friendships, reach out to a trusted adult, we are here to listen & help.


Check out these Videos from the One Love Foundation to see where your relationships might fall on the Healthy (#ThatsLove) or Unhealthy (#ThatsNOTLove) spectrum.

Remember: "Healthy relationships bring out the best in you and make you feel good about yourself. A healthy relationship does not mean a “perfect” relationship, and no one is healthy 100% of the time, but the signs below are behaviors you should strive for in all of your relationships." (One Love Foundation, 2020)

10 Signs of a Healthy Relationship

    1. Comfortable Pace

    2. Trust

    3. Honesty

    4. Independence

    5. Respect

    6. Equality

    7. Kindness

    8. Taking Responsibility

    9. Healthy Conflict

    10. Fun

Grab your yoga mat or towel & put these healthy signs to practice on and off the mat :)