COUNSELLING At your Own Pace

Online counselling

You are looking at this web page because something is not going well in your life or the life of somebody close to you. What I do is help you find a solution for the issue and encourage you to follow through with the solution.

An academic approach

Since I am both a counselor and a teacher, I take a more academic approach to helping you solve your problems. You will be taking a personalized one-on-one course through Google Classroom and the topic of the course will be you. In case your are a parent, your child will be the topic.

Under my program you will be reading articles about your issue, working with a workbook or journal, weekly calls, and working out a plan to handle the issue. We will be in regular contact through email and and via WhatsApp or WeChat. I lean towards Cognitive Behavior Therapy for most subjects but I do realize that everybody is different. The issues that I normally treat are listed below. Contact me if you want to discuss my services by filling out this form or by WhatsApp +584249044550.


Your anti-depression course will focus on four aspects. 1. Helping you feel less alone. 2. Understanding depression and its causes. 3 Analyzing if there are changes that need to be made in your life. 4 Developing new behaviors and thinking patterns in order to feel better. A typical course for depression is 12 weeks.

Child Rearing

Besides being a teacher with 20 years of experience, I also have two biological children and one stepchild. In short, I have the experience to help you getting your child back on track. This normally takes 8 weeks. Note, this course is normally for parents of younger children. If you are having issues with a teenager, then they would be taking the course and I would be in contact with you.


For Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) I cannot really say what exactly we will do until you have had 2 free sessions to see exactly what service you need. But, your course will include looking at ways of handling stress, saying no and looking at ways to have more fun. Additionally, we might do career planing, relationship management and more.

Who am I?

My name is Samuel Foxwell, and I am a teacher and counselor from Canada living in Venezuela. I've helped people from various countries and walks of life. Some of the issues worked on are depression, eating disorders and OCD.

If you are interested in my services, just fill out this form here or contact me via WhatsApp (+584249044550).