Council Tax Bailiff

Council Tax enforcers are not Bailiffs!

When "bailiffs" turn up attempting to collect Council Tax, they are simply NOT Bailiffs. They are private Debt Collectors attempting to collect a Civil debt. So they have none of the power of a real Bailiff. They cannot break in and take goods. They can only come in if you let them. So do not let them in. You should NEVER deal with Bailiffs for Council Tax. They always add on huge fees for just turning up and "levying distress" or threatening you. They are trained to lie, so just don't speak to them on the phone, record them if they turn up at the door so you have a record of their threats and can report them. Get ALL communication in writing. The ONLY way they can come in is if you let them i.e. leaving the front door wide open

Common Lies are:

  • We can come in and take your stuff when you are not there - UNTRUE
  • We can have you committed to prison - UNTRUE
  • We can get a locksmith out to break in - UNTRUE

If they do walk in, DO NOT sign anything. As they will try to get a "walking possession" agreement. If they get this, they may try to force entry on a later visit, so DO NOT sign anything.

If you are forced to sign under duress put the letter V.C. before your signature. This means you were forced to sign.

If you have already signed a walking possession agreement:

This is unenforceable unless the debt collector can show he is a registered enforcement agent acting under a court order.

He has to prove these facts on demand.




LIVELEAK fake warrant

Newlyn fake bailiff shows fake warrant

A real warrant is issued under section 76(1) of the Magistrate's Courts Act 1980. The Coat of Arms is always at the top left and It will always say "Note to the Defendant"

If you are shown a forged warrant: Everything is revoked.

The moment a bailiff shows you a warrant that is a counterfeit, or looks like an amateurish effort to have thrown it together on a home computer. it revokes everything that follows as well as revoking the fees.

F.O.I. shows 3 people in, 2018/2019 in Cheshire West,

let Council fake Bailiffs take goods without a WARRANT!

"enforcement officers" collecting Council Tax are unlawful

The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement (TCE) Act makes ‘no reference to limited companies acting as an enforcement agent’, only to individuals, leaving bailiff companies unrecognised as entities in enforcement law, and also unregulated.

The rules about breaking into someone's home are very strict and they were made stricter in 2014. Only an enforcement agent in possession of a Court warrant can "levy distress".

2.2 Can bailiffs force entry?

In general, no, unless a court has granted permission, or it is for a particular type of debt. Bailiffs can apply to the court for permission to use “reasonable force” to get access. Common examples of reasonable force include using a locksmith to bypass a lock or cutting through a padlock or chain. The bailiffs are required to give the court information on the likely means of entry and the amount of force required, as well as details on how the premises will be left secure afterwards.15 In some limited cases, bailiffs do not need to apply to a court for permission. If bailiffs are collecting a magistrates’ court fine in respect of a criminal conviction, they are permitted to use force to break into a debtor’s premises.16 County court bailiffs and high court enforcement officers are legally allowed to force entry to trade or business premises (but not residential homes) to chase unpaid county court judgements or high court judgements.17 In addition, enforcement agents employed by HM Revenue and Customs can force entry if the debt is unpaid tax.18 As previously mentioned, once bailiffs have been let into a property, they have a right to enter again. They can use reasonable force to gain entry and remove goods if the debtor is not keeping up with payments for a controlled goods agreement.

2.3 How do you know it is a certificated bailiff and not a debt collector?

Bailiffs must provide evidence of their identification upon request by the debtor, as a well as sight of the warrant providing them with authority to enter.19 They must also legally give the debtor an enforcement notice seven days before they visit.20 In contrast, private sector debt collectors can chase a debtor to pay what is owed to a creditor, but they cannot levy distress. Debt collectors are not allowed to pretend to be a bailiff.

If you are Vulnerable send the FAKE "bailiff" and the Council the Vulnerable Person Template Letter this should have the effect of making the Council take the matter back from the "bailiff" without the fees and setting up an affordable payment arrangement.

If you are not Vulnerable or the Council refuse to accept you are you can simply send a request to the Council for more time to deal with them directly.

This little gem has been known to have Council Tax reduced to ZERO in some cases. It is also a good way to show that you are dealing with the Council and not simply ignoring their demands. This can be handy later if the Council Threaten to "commit you to prison" for non payment. Section 13a Template Letter.



Page 1

Dear Sir/Madam,


Your "Customer or Client" Reference Number:

I am not and never have been a customer or a client of your company. I consider the Councils sharing of information about myself with your company a violation of the Data Protection Act 2018 and GDPR 2018.

Consider this a Request under ARTICLE 17 & ARTICLE 21 GDPR for you to cease processing my information.

There is no agreement to pay your company, nor will there be any agreement.

There is no contract or statutary duty for me to have any dealings with your company whatsoever.

Please note that this debt is disputed. Your charges in relation to this matter are also disputed. The disputed debt should not increase. Please do not send any further letters, do not phone, do not text and do not pay any visits.

You should only communicate by email to: ____________EMAIL ADDRESS.

Please provide PROOF that this debt is owed, i.e. the contract upon which you rely. Please provide details of the precise Act of Parliament that allows you as a Company to "levy distress" for the Council Tax. Please not the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement (TCE) Act makes no reference to limited companies acting as an enforcement agent, only to individuals, leaving your company unrecognised as an entity in enforcement law and unregulated.

Please provide the name and registered number of the enforcement officer you have sent or intend to send to levy distress.

Please provide a paper copy of the LIABILITY ORDER or WARRANT with judge's signature and court seal that you rely on in this matter.

Please also supply me with a copy of your complaints procedure.

I require this information within the next 7 days. Failure to provide the Liability Order or Warrant will leave me to assume you have no Legal basis for contacting me and further communication other than email will be regarded as Harassment in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997. You can prosecuted and sued under this act and I reserve the right to do both.

It is in your interest to hand this matter back to the Council as you appear to be in violation of quite a few rules and regulations regarding your companies conduct in this matter.

Please note that my fees for dealing with issues of this type are £50 per letter, £250 per phone call and standard consultancy fee of £500 per hour, or part thereof, for all other methods of communication. If you do not dispute my fees, you agree to pay them.



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The Legal Occupier

123 Any Street

Anytown AB123 CDE


All agents acting for and behalf of:

[Name and Address of Debt Collection Company sub-contracted by the Council]

Dear Sir or Madam,


We are writing to inform you that we have removed your Implied Right of Access to the above property. If we find that you, or any other representative of the companies named above, have entered onto this property without our prior written permission, you will have committed a criminal offence of Aggravated Trespass and we can take your statement under caution in accordance with Sections 68 and 69 of theCriminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994.

We are taking this step because:

  • Your Corporation appears to be operating under the misapprehension that a Magistrate Court Liability Order exists and that in someway confers the power of the court to your Corporation. If such a court order exists, you will have no problem supplying a copy of the order to myself as per Civil Procedure Rules 40.4 (1) (b). Failure to provide a copy of the Magistrates Court signed and sealed Liability Order, clearly identifying the Magistrate who issued the order, will confirm that no such order exists and you are in fact acting unlawfully in claiming you are acting under such authority.
  • Your company is acting unlawfully in attempting to "levy distress" for your client. The Tribunal Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 makes not mention of private companies acting as enforcement agent, leaving your company unrecognised as an entity in enforcement law and unregulated.
  • Under Section 2 of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997, it is a criminal offence of harassment to make demands for money in such a manner that it causes alarm, distress or intimidation. This is the case no matter what method you use to make contact – whether by telephone, email, letter or in person. Punishment on conviction is six months imprisonment and/or a level 5 fine of up to £5,000, plus legal costs.

The removal of your Implied Right of Access is the first step in our action to seek prosecution. Please be aware that should you or any other representative of your company set foot on the above property at any time, your statement can be used as evidence, along with any video and audio evidence obtained.

Aggravated Trespass is a summary offence that is heard in the magistrate’s courts and carries a maximum sentence of six months imprisonment. A charge of conspiracy to commit aggravated trespass also carries a maximum six-month sentence, but it is an indictable offence, which means the case will be heard in front of a jury in the crown courts. We take this offence extremely seriously and have successfully prosecuted others for this same offence in the past.

We strongly advise that you act now to stop representatives of your company from entering onto the above property, as failure to do so may result in a criminal prosecution against your company and the individuals involved. You can avoid this easily by returning this matter back to the lawful Billing Authority, and kindly informing your staff that they will be subject to criminal prosecution if they intrude onto the above property.

Please note that my fees for dealing with issues of this type are £50 per letter, £250 per phone call and standard consultancy fee of £500 per hour, or part thereof, for all other methods of communication.

Yours faithfully,

The Legal Occupier


Page 3

Your Ref.



RE : ____________________

I am writing to inform you that I am classed as vulnerable according to paragraph 77 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014, I am classed a vulnerable for the following reasons:


Regulation 10(1) of the Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 states:-

10. (1) The enforcement agent may not take control of goods of the debtor where

(a) the debtor is a child;

(b )a child or vulnerable person (whether more than one or a combination of both) is the only person present in the relevant or specified premises in which the goods are located; or

(c) the goods are also premises in which a child or vulnerable person (whether more than one or a combination of both) is the only person present.

Paragraphs 16 and 30 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014 states:-

16. Should a debtor be identified as vulnerable, creditors should be prepared to take control of the case, at any time, if necessary

30. Where enforcement agents have identified vulnerable debtors or situations, they should alert the creditor and ensure they act in accordance with all relevant legislation.

Paragraph 39 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014 states Enforcement agencies must ensure that legislation restricting the enforcement activity to enforcement agents is complied with and the corresponding legislation is The Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007, Schedule 12.

Paragraph 42 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014 also states that:

Enforcement agents should be trained to recognise vulnerable debtors, to alert creditors where they have identified such debtors and when to withdraw from such a situation.

Paragraphs 70 to 78 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014 says enforcement agents must withdraw from the property:-

Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014:-

Vulnerable situations

70. Enforcement agents/agencies and creditors must recognise that they each have a role in ensuring that the vulnerable and socially excluded are protected and that the recovery process includes procedures agreed between the agent/agency and creditor about how such situations should be dealt with. The appropriate use of discretion is essential in every case and no amount of guidance could cover every situation. Therefore the agent has a duty to contact the creditor and report the circumstances in situations where there is evidence of a potential cause for concern.

71. If necessary, the enforcement agent will advise the creditor if further action is appropriate. The exercise of appropriate discretion is needed, not only to protect the debtor, but also the enforcement agent who should avoid taking action which could lead to accusations of inappropriate behaviour.

72. Enforcement agents must withdraw from domestic premises if the only person present is, or appears to be, under the age of 16 or is deemed to be vulnerable by the enforcement agent; they can ask when the debtor will be home - if appropriate.

73. Enforcement agents must withdraw without making enquiries if the only persons present are children who appear to be under the age of 12.

74. A debtor may be considered vulnerable if, for reasons of age, health or disability they are unable to safeguard their personal welfare or the personal welfare of other members of the household.

75. The enforcement agent must be sure that the debtor or the person to whom they are entering into a controlled goods agreement understands the agreement and the consequences if the agreement is not complied with.

76. Enforcement agents should be aware that vulnerability may not be immediately obvious.

77. Some groups who might be vulnerable are listed below. However, this list is not exhaustive. Care should be taken to assess each situation on a case by case basis.

 the elderly;

 people with a disability;

 the seriously ill;

 the recently bereaved;

 single parent families;

 pregnant women;

 unemployed people; and,

 those who have obvious difficulty in understanding, speaking or reading English.

78. Wherever possible, enforcement agents should have arrangements in place for rapidly accessing interpretation services (including British Sign Language), when these are needed, and provide on request information in large print or in Braille for debtors with impaired sight.

This letter serves to notify both Creditor and Enforcement Company that I am a vulnerable debtor and I am placing the creditor on notice in accordance with paragraph 30 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014 and Paragraph 16 says the creditor/council SHOULD be prepared to take control of the case.

In view of the above please DO NOT PASS ME ON TO YOUR WELFARE DEPARTMENT as you have now been informed that I am a vulnerable and should return the debt to the Creditor.

Failure to return the debt, or an attempt to set up a repayment plan with the Enforcement Company will be seen as a delaying tactic not to deal with me as a vulnerable person but a tactic used to avoid the return of the debt to ensure payment of Enforcement Fees. This is futile as no fees will be collected from me. All your fees are Disputed.

I do not anticipate any change in circumstances in the foreseeable future and should be grateful if you would acknowledge this situation.

Any further enforcement action will be classed as harassment.

This letter is being sent to both Creditor and Enforcement Company so that both are aware of my vulnerability and as a reminder that according to Paragraph 7 of the Taking Control of Goods: National Standards 2014 they are responsible for any enforcement agents acting on there behalf.

Please provide a copy of your Published Debt Recovery Policy or provide reason that you cannot provide this document.

Please confirm that all enforcement action against me has now ceased and that my account is passed back to the Creditor in order that I may deal with them directly.

Your sincerely



If they the FAKE bailiff thinks they have any authority whatsoever, you can always insist on seeing the basis of that authority. If it is legitimate, they will have no problem in producing a valid Court Order. When collecting Council Tax, this is called a Liability Order, so simply ask for this document that is the basis of their "power". It must contain the Court Coat of Arms and a Court Stamp or Seal as well as a signature (not printed) from a Magistrate, that is clearly identifiable. They simply DO NOT have one.

Don't deal with the Clowns