Hello there,

I was struggeling with this problem for over a year now, getting very paranoid and saved every two minutes. Very often when I forgot to save my project and was i.e. writing lyrics while playing the song, - just when I got back to the project the computer was crashed, - but as you pointed out the music still playing. It was also exactly the same, that nothing could be done except stop the process in task manager, but then wait for ten minutes until Nuendo was really out of the system. Other solution was to hard reset the computer and boot up again. NOT what I would call a workflow.

After app. 18 months of configuring my system, throwing out my old graphics card, going deep into system settings to get rid of background processes and so on and so on, the problem still RANDOMLY occurs. Means, it happens if I play a super simple rompler, but also super complex Kontakt arrangements, - or by times also not for two days. Anyway, I had to come up with a solution to keep working.

After making sure that it is not related to plugins or Kontakt which I checked in Ableton and Presonus Studio One.

I had to decide to switch to Studio One.

It hurts, - for many years I did all projects on Cubase / Nuendo and switching the DAW is a long way, especially if you have to continue a lot of projects written on your old DAW. At this point, I gotta say it was my only solution.

In two years, when I get a new computer, I will give it maybe a go again, but for now Studio One just gives me a secure feeling of trying and enjoying what I like most, without getting completely paranoid and frustrated.

Did you find a solution for your problem at all?

How could you fix it? A new computer?



Vizio D65u-D2 turned the setting to standard and medium. Issue resolved. If I put it on Vivid, it shuts off again after a few minutes with audio only. Ordered the power supply to see if it allows me to use Vivid setting.

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Believe I've figured out the root of the issue being hooking up external audio devices but two of the same vizio 58 inch tvs same problem same time frame static sound followed by the occasional dimming nd black screen have yet to find a way to fix very upset spent over 800 dollars on junk they wont fix I will not be buying another vizio product. Very disappointed

I filed a bug report last night because the exact same thing thet Shu is experiancing is happening to me. Even from a clean instal and new projects. Plus if I click on the storyboard (new or old project from xcode 6.x) the color wheel spins for a good minute and the crash telling me it cannot find any device. I look and Wind > device and I cann + add one in but again th e color wheel just spins nd nothing happens.

My theory behind this problem is that I am the type of person to set 30 different alarms to wake up. So that being said I feel like if you are the same then it could be that if you have two alarms set close together than it can glitch out and not do the audio part of the alarm; only the visual and maybe vibrate.

I regret mentioning the cultural difference element in my email. I wrote it basically the same day I was harassed and I definitely was still grasping at straws to somehow explain why this was happening to me. I was lucky to have a strong support network, including a very supportive partner, and a job that eventually did respond to the complaint, but it still really sucked. Thank you to everyone who expressed sympathy and solidarity in the comments, especially people who weighed in on the cultural issue (and apologies again for casting aspersions on Northern Europeans).

I've been using your app for 2 years with no issues until this weekend. The audio cuts out at random intervals but it shows on screen that it is still playing. It happens with Bluetooth headphones, Bluetooth to the car, and the phones speaker. Other apps don't cut out at all. I've cleared cache, reinstalled the app, changed power settings, logged out and logged back in, unoptimized the app. I don't know what else to do and I'm at my wits end. Please fix the app. I've also asked a few people I know that use Spotify if it is happening to them as well and it is.

Issue in detail:

- Audio randomly stops while listening to music while screen is locked. Then, when I open my phone screen, the audio might resume for a few seconds and stop again. But the spotify app still shows that the song is playing. There is just no audio anymore. Pressing pause/play doesn't bring back the audio. At this point I have to close the app completely and start it again to get audio back.

I am having the exact same issue and have for some time. I have even factory reset my phone. I am noticing everyone on this forum is using a TCL phone. I switched to my LG phone for a while and it wasn't happening at all. But went back to my TCL and it's happening again.

Ah, no worries at all and no problem, there's not particularly any right or wrong.

It really depends on (a) what your router is set to currently. If it's already on 1300, you obviously won't get higher than that and (b) your ISP. So as an example, I use an ASUS RT-AX92U on a BT FTTP line. The router defaults at 1492 so I can't set it back to a more traditional default of 1500. 1492 tests fine against, as an example, www.google.com or www.google.co.uk so no need for any change on mine. So with yours, as an example, if you've started at say 1500 (the highest value most routers will allow; if your router allows this), then as a suggestion dropped by 8 each time until you home in on the value where ping it works and then add the 28, then it must be something on your ISP side which forces it that low. As long as you get to a value where this test works, you should be fine regardless of what it is really.

IPv6 is disabled. The issue appears after the device has been idling, maybe a few of the stupid home ad activations throughout the day(ironic how it never has an issue with them). But come the time you want to use it something goes wrong... It's obviously not a router or network issue. Google is fobbing us off with that nonsense... Move it closer my arse! Why would multiple devices that were working... Then stop working correctly, when nothing has changed in said network, other than updates to the home device? Surely Google employees someone smart enough to understand this, it's not a turn it off and on again problem. The software is borked, not every customers network setup.

Thank you for your response, I appreciate it. Unfortunately it only corrected this problem caused by Google for a few minutes. Previously someone suggested that I change the language of my assistant to a different "English" setting. That worked for a few moments, but then I had the same issue return that has been caused by Google. Then they suggested that I disable ipv6, that worked for a few minutes but Google's problem started again. Then I reset to factory settings again but that too only resolved Google's issue for a few minutes. It looks like I am stuck with a $200 digital clock and a couple of speakers that are only good for responding with, "Something went wrong. Try again in a few seconds.", since Google refuses to provide any meaningful support.

Our audio, video and screen sharing test can help identify problems you may be having with huddles. After running the test, use the troubleshooting information in this article to address any issues flagged in your results. Here's how to run the test:

Suppose your iPhone is not running the latest iOS version. In that case, you might encounter problems, including screen recording with audio not working. That's because Apple frequently rolls out updates that patch bugs and improve overall system stability.

Windows is no stranger to issues, and a screen recording with no sound is just one of them. You can try a few things if you're having audio problems when recording your screen on a PC. Take note that these methods apply to Windows 10 and above.

Windows has a built-in troubleshooter for audio recording that you can use to try and fix the problem. You can access it by opening the Settings app and going to Update & Security. From here, select Troubleshoot. Click on Recording Audio and follow the on-screen instructions to fix audio issues.

Hello, I have been looking everywhere for something that has been happening to me but I couldn't find anything, but this thread is somewhat like what I'm experiencing. Maybe someone could give their input on why or what is happening. So sometimes when I sleep for a very long time or don't sleep enough I experience my whole body begin to tingle/vibrate/buzz. It's very hard to explain, but it's not like when your arm falls asleep and it begins to tingle, it's more of a very very pleasing tingling/buzzing. This can happen when I'm almost asleep or if I just wake up in the night and go to sleep again, but it happens when I 'am awake. Also i can kinda intensify it if I close my eyes harder or look up. When you close your eyes hard you can kinda hear it / feel it in your ears and that's the feeling * 100.

Fast forward to November 11 2002, Mossy Grove, TN. The skies were so blue all day but I had a pit in my stomach when I seen the black clouds off in the distance. Poor Nana was at church that night along with a bunch of other family and my cousin Linda got up with her newborn to get a drink from the water fountain near the entrance. She looked up and saw the huge tornado coming across the parking lot. She ran and dove into the pews while the tornado moved and twisted the church off its foundation. Most of the congregation dove to the corner. That corner of the church was still there after it was over. We lost lives that night and in such a small county we felt every single loss, especially the small baby who didn't even get to start her life. Her papa was trying to rush her to safety from the mobile home they were in. Ironically, their mobile home wasn't touched but their truck was and both of them perished together. That town still bares the scars and the fear. All of us do really. I was once told we couldn't be hit by tornadoes because of the mountains. What a foolish thing to say, especially since Mossy Grove almost got hit again later but the skies showed mercy that day and settled down almost as if it took pity on us and our non-Walmart or McDonalds town. Lightening can and it will strike twice, three, four times in the same spot. The sad thing is most of us still aren't really prepared for another one. I'm working on a plan. That is the best thing to have here in Dixie Alley because the storms are getting worse. The April outbreak was a nightmare and I got stuck in a Food City that was about to close while there was another tornado warning for where I was. I was so froze in fear so my father drove to me just to let me follow him home. His truck was struck by lightening on his way. Anyway, stay prepared people and most importantly stay informed. I listen to the Weather Channel and am grateful. My 6 year old son is a meteorologist in the making. He loves weather as I do and can tell you how any storm happens, hurricanes.. tornados..floods..smart little feller he is. ff782bc1db

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