
Oregon Websites and Watersheds Mission Statement

Oregon Websites and Watersheds Project, Inc. shows students how to use Internet communications and scientific methodology to help manage Oregon's natural and cultural resources. Students are encouraged to use computer technology, historical documentation, scientific reasoning, community outreach, environmental enhancement projects, and effective long-term monitoring strategies to help make decisions which affect Oregon's quality of life.


Ideas written by Dave Sullivan on 2/25/2020:

It seems like the best people to create this web page would be students ... so I won't put anything here in the "Education page" but generic placeholder stuff.

This website has been created with Google Sites, and it has simple website editing tools. I'd be happy to set students or instructors up as administrators so they can edit the website. That way we all can work together to think through how we would like this project to move forward.

Student created recreational plans

We recommend looking at the recreational plans students have developed in the Oregon Websites & Watersheds Project that describe the Elliott State Forest and the Cougar Pass Lookout Cultural Resource.