Our News & Notes page will display our Newsletter as well as any notes for parents to remember, like field trips and school events.

  • Please send a sweater or sweatshirt with your child. Our room typically stays around 70-72 degrees but feels colder. Students can keep their sweatshirt on their chair or in their cubby when they need it.

  • Students may have a water bottle in class. They are encouraged to keep it in their cubby, so it doesn't spill on their desk, their work, or a book. Students use a hand signal (4 fingers up!) if they need a sip, and I nod my head for them to go get it.

  • Because our lunch is right in the middle of the day, we will have snack after activity around 2:40. Please send a healthy snack that students can open independently. This time will be flexible if students are hungry and want their snack before activity. I won't deny your child food if they need it.