About Us

Our People

We, Cossackians, are a diverse nationality. And with that, we are able to achieve national unity through culture and language, not by race and blood. Our people are living their best lives under the banner of Soyokovist Socialism.

Our Government

Our motives are inspired by Taiwan, the European Union, Russia, Singapore, Switzerland, Bhutan, and the Philippines. The government's responsibility is to make decisions for the people's benefit. We are led by the Premier and the Prime Minister.

Our Ideology

Soyokovist Socialism is all about collective cooperation and reaching an aim for everyone's benefit. Our ideology is close enough to Communism and Socialism itself, but with less authoritarianism and more democracy.

Our Reason

To achieve and to excel in the world, we are determined to more than being a sovereign micronation. We aim to destroy fascism and authoritarian rule once and for all alongside our comrades and allies.