Colorado Consortium


for Sports Ultrasound


Vision: Encourage camaraderie and collaboration among local sports ultrasonographers. Increase opportunity for sports ultrasound education in the Colorado foothills.

 Goals: Improve proficiency in the following 3 categories of sports ultrasonography.

Ultrasound Basics

Physics, Knobology

Diagnostic Ultrasound

Diagnostics, Scanning protocols

Interventional Ultrasound

Injections, Procedures



 What was the inspiration behind creating this consortium?

Similar collaborations exist across the country. One of the founding members went to Georgetown University School of Medicine and was inspired by the National Capital Sports Medicine Consortium (NCSMC).

 Why create a consortium for sports ultrasonography?

We are stronger together! It turns out that learning ultrasonography is like learning any new sport. It requires practice and muscle memory. Not only is ultrasound a sport, but in fact it is a contact sport. One can learn from watching videos, reading articles or studying books, but some of the best learning happens with a more hands-on approach. Further, practicing with multiple teachers benefits the learner exponentially.


The Attendings

Lauren Rudolph, MD

Boulder Biologics

Kathy Vidlock, MD


Jason Glowney, MD

Boulder Biologics


About this person

Robert "Bobby" Petro DO

Advent Health

Jenell Kopp

Advent Health


About this person


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