

Robotics was by far my favorite! Dr. Dad-del and Trevor were very kind and always willing to provide their insight. This class was also very rewarding for me because I used to struggle with coding robots, and this class helped me learn certain techniques and mechanisms that help the robot function better, and helped develop my knowledge as a coder. While it could be frustrating to see your robot fail over and over, I really gained a greater understanding for the mechanics of robots and how to persevere in the face of constant failure. I also learned that as long as you are willing to keep trying, ideas and structure are only constrained by your imagination. 



This was by far the hardest challenge for me because no matter what I did, my robot would refuse to read certain colors. I would check the range repeatedly and no matter what I did, it would not read. Regardless I was able to overcome the challenge through some "networking" and reducing the speed of my robot.


These were the 10 Coding challenges we were given in the beginning to help us develop the skills and tools we need in order to code our final project. The challenges spanned from making your robot go forward for 1 ft to making it go in a square 4x times in a row with near perfect accuracy.


Aniska and I decided that we wanted to make a transformer that could detect distance and color in order to transform from a walking robot to a driving car. Our final project is displayed to the left, and is called Gardenia.