Custom Blade Testing Instructions

Step 1: Weigh your custom blade design

Using the luggage scale, record the weight in grams of your custom blade design.

The weight should include your blades and any parts that attach to the D/C motor.

Step 2: Secure custom blade design to testing foundation

Attach your custom blade design to the D/C motor using the plastic adaptor pieces shown below.

Your design does not have to make use of these parts, but they may come in handy!

Step 3: Re-create your baseline testing scenario

Wire the multi-meter to the D/C motor and fasten the testing foundation in the same way you did for the baseline testing procedure.

Be sure to use the same wind-source settings and distance that you recorded from baseline testing.

Step 4: Record your results

Take photos/video of your custom design testing. Make note of the constant voltage it produces!

If the voltage reading is inconsistent, take 3 readings and average them to determine your final value.

Step 5: Submit your data to the TA team

Fill out the google survey for the teaching team to keep track of your design results.