Design-Build Project

Final Performance Index Results Are In!

The Design-Build Project will be a hands-on engineering activity that students will spend each afternoon working on throughout the COSMOS summer program. It will lead students through the Engineering Design Process while providing a fun and meaningful way to learn engineering skills and create friendships.


Please be aware that the Design-Build Project involves a hands-on experience.

Carefully read our Equipment Training & Safety Instructions Handbook. Remember to always use proper safety protection and have parent supervision when necessary.

Design-Build Project Information

As you gather general information about the project, we will post links to everything here for your quick reference.

Got a question you'd like to ask CREE or Hala Industries?

(i.e. your Cluster Assistants)

Go to the RFI page using the button below and submit your question!

Daily Exercises

Some days we will provide worksheets or activities that will aid you in the design process for the design-build project. The Cluster Assistants will provide you with directions during zoom and you can find the supporting documentation below.

Project Timeline

In order to ensure that good progress is made towards the proposal submission, your company has provided a project timeline for what will be done on each day until the proposal is due. The focus of the next two weeks will be on designing, building, and testing the physical working prototype, while the focus of the last week will be preparing the communication materials.