


A picture of Adam.


Keyword: Endure

Adam "ece's leader"

Leader of the Earth-based hover gang, Ece (ay-jeh) for the past four years. Under his leadership, the gang has gained a certain notoriety for winning the M3 Spacetrack's Annual Johannes Cup. He is a man of knowledge and facts with a curiosity rivalling Yan's. He enjoys time alone, reading, and the outdoors.

Born in Dubai, his family were proud scholars. He left home when he was 19 to travel the world, and eventually stumbled upon the hover racing world while visiting Japan. That was when he joined Ece. Since then, the gang and its future have been most important to him.

A picture of Bora.


Keyword: Thrill

Bora "the firebrand"

She's one of the longest running members of Ece, after Ashley and Adam, joining when she was fifteen after dropping out of school. Spunky and emotional, she loves art and creating things. Her hover isn't only a hover bike, it's her masterpiece, being equipped with a smoke machine that spews out colorful smoke as she rides.

She sniffs Stardust, a habit she picked up from her mother while living in Russian slumhouses, and tries to be careful about her usage. She cares a lot about Ece and her fellow members, and jumps at anyone who dares to offend. She is stubborn, and doesn't know when enough is enough.


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A picture of Hari.


Keyword: Live

Hari "the newbie"

Newest member of Ece, joining only three years ago. He's the joker of the gang, and is always in a happy-go-lucky mood. "You only live once." He does whatever he likes without thinking of the future and hates being idle.

Born and raised in Japan, his parents were conservatives who pushed him to conform with what was considered normal. They wanted him to get a high paying job and help to fund the family. However, once he discovered the underground network of hover racing, he escaped as soon as he could.


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Keyword: Elegant

Ashley "ece's mechanic"

As the oldest member of Ece, both in age and years of membership, he acts as Adam's advisor. He is the gang's chief mechanic, originally from London and joining with the previous leader decades ago after dropping out of college in the first year. He started down the path of being Ece's mechanic when he befriended the previous chief mechanic, quickly becoming his apprentice and going from there.

He is a neatfreak, preferring things to be organized and clean. This is troublesome, because both his hover and his wardrobe is mostly white. However, cleaning is one of his favorite pasttimes.


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Keyword: Devotion

Orpheus "ashley's apprentice"

He joined Ece several years ago, not long after Bora. While his family was originally from Greece, they moved to the US in order to provide a more unique and resource-rich environment to raise him in. Namely, in anti-gravity engineering, which America's specialty at the time.

His family pressured him into going into the gravity engineering field, focusing on anti-gravity mechanics. This led him to discover the world of hover racing and the gangs that lived in it.

He became involved with Ece when he fell in love at first sight with Ashley while chatting with some hover bike mechanics. He dropped out of school and joined Ece, following Ashely like a little puppy, and eventually becoming his lover.


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Wu Family


Keyword: Independence

Jenny Wu "the young girl"

As Yan's young cousin, she is an outgoing and fun-loving girl. She excels in science, chemistry in particular, and dreams of one day working as a lab researcher on one of the Jovian moons.

She doesn't understand much about the adult world around her, but repeatedly tries to thrust herself into it. She always has good intentions, but is gullible and naive. She wants to find love and freedom in the world after high school.

She teases Yan about the printed book collection, complaining about the musty old books. She knows her mother dislikes Yan, but doesn't understand why.


Keyword: Compassion

Jian Hong (Jason) Wu "pizza artisan"

The younger brother of Yan's father, he was never meant to inherit Flyer's Pizzeria. Yan's father ended up eloping to Mars and severing all ties to the family, allowing Jason to become Flyer's new owner.

He gives Yan money, gifts, and attention as if she were his own daughter and, indeed, thinks of her as such. Sherry often says he is kind to a fault.

After Yan obtained her driving license, he transferred ownership of the family courier vessel, Zhihao, to her on the condition that she do all the pizza deliveries.


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Keyword: Rivalry

Shu Fen (Sherry) Wu "flyer's star waitress"

Since the beginning, she was jealous of Yan's mother to the point of having an inferiority complex, and was glad when she left. Good riddence, she thought.

Born and raised in China, her marriage to Jason was somewhat arrainged by their parents. She loves him, in a way, and will do anything to assure her family's success.

When Yan appeared one day, it was like all the feelings of inferiority came back. Since then, she has disliked Yan, as well.


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