Cosmetic Dentist Perth

Connolly Dental Boutique

How to Choose a Cosmetic Dentist in Perth

When you think of cosmetic dentistry, you probably think of beautiful pearly whites on the cover of magazines. While that's the one end of the scale, there's another end, a far more concerning end: people who've ruined their gums, teeth, and appearance by undergoing subpar cosmetic dental procedures.

If you don't choose the right cosmetic dentist in Perth, the latter example could be you.

However, finding a superb Perth cosmetic dentist isn't as simple as a quick Google search; there's more to it than that.

Cosmetic Dentist Perth Website

Examine Your Cosmetic Dentists Credentials

While cosmetic dentistry requires expert knowledge and years of experience to perfect, the field itself isn’t considered a specialist field in Australia and, therefore, isn’t regulated. This means while your dentist needs to be licensed to be a dentist, they don’t need any additional licensing to call themselves a cosmetic dentist. The result is that without vetting your cosmetic dentist's credentials, you may end up with someone that does not have as much knowledge as someone who has focused most of their career on cosmetic dentistry. Always decide to choose the cosmetic dentist who has decided to specialize in this field.

Read and Evaluate the Dentists Testimonials

Once you're confident in your dentist's skill and ability, it's time to find confirmation that you're getting the very best cosmetic dentist in Perth. Begin your process by either checking your dentist's website for testimonials or calling the office for an email copy of any testimonials. Afterwards, you should also consider public reviews on Google and Facebook and see if clients had any valid gripes with the dentist. While you're checking public-facing reviews, also examine the images clients post of themselves to see the final result.

Consider The Dental Technology

Cosmetic dentistry is a very technical process. Cosmetic dentists rely heavily on proprietary equipment to create a 3D render of your face, teeth, and gums. With these tools, your dentist can create a near accurate representation of what the procedure will look like once complete. However, this tech also enables the dentist to develop the most authentic-appearing smile.

If you care about your smile and the money you're spending on a better smile, inquire about the type of tech your dentist uses and for what purpose.

Cosmetic Dentist Perth

Find Out If They Have Dental Payment Plans

While cosmetic dental procedures are becoming more common, the price of the procedure continues to rise. Usually, these procedures will not be covered by your medical or dental insurance, needing you to pay out of pocket. To ensure you get the best dentist for the cost and don't become bankrupt for dental procedures, consider the payment plans.

The cosmetic dentists at Connolly Dental, have created the ideal cosmetic dental practice in Perth. From the state-of-the-art tech available for imaging to the various payment plans and treatments, a visit to Connolly Dental is the best choice you could make if you’re thinking of getting cosmetic dental work done.

Why Choose Connolly Dental?

We will help you be the most confident, nothing should hold you back from smiling, looking and feeling your best.

You deserve it! We will help you reach your goals of self care and self love in a relaxing boutique environment

At Connolly Dental we utilize the most advanced digital technologies currently available, such as 3D Digital Smile Design.

Dental clinic in Connolly, Western Australia

Perth's Leading Smile Design Boutique

Cosmetic dentist Perth shares the best cosmetic dentistry news about the latest technology, treatments and case studies of amazing smile transformations.

Cosmetic Dentist Perth News