Are you looking for the perfect facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle Washington? Look no further! Dr. William Portuese, one of the most popular facial plastic surgeons in the area, has been helping patients achieve their desired look since opening his practice 15 years ago.

Dr. William Portuese is a board-certified Facial Plastic Surgeon who specializes in rhinoplasty, facelifts, otoplasty, brow lifts and more. He combines his expertise with modern technology to create beautiful results that last. His patients benefit from his extensive experience in performing cosmetic surgery and his commitment to providing exceptional care to every individual he works with.

Dr. William Portuese commitment to excellence is evident in all aspects of his practice, from patient consultation to post-operative follow-up care. He takes pride in giving each patient the best possible outcome so they can look and feel their best. With the support of his highly trained staff and top-notch facilities, he offers an unparalleled level of service that will leave you feeling confident about your decision to choose him as your facial plastic surgeon in Seattle Washington.

What Is Facial Plastic Surgery?

Facial plastic surgery is a specialty of plastic surgery that focuses on the appearance and function of the face. It involves procedures to enhance facial features, restore symmetry, and improve overall facial aesthetics. The most common types of facial plastic surgery are rhinoplasty (nose reshaping), face lift, blepharoplasty (eyelid lift), otoplasty (ear reshaping), and chin augmentation.

The goal of facial plastic surgery is to create a balanced and aesthetically pleasing face by restoring or enhancing its natural beauty. This can be achieved through making subtle changes in the structure of the face or by removing excess skin and fat from certain areas. Facial plastic surgeons may also use non-surgical treatments such as injectable fillers, laser treatments, or chemical peels to achieve desired results.

When it comes to facial plastic surgery, one size does not fit all—it must be tailored to each individual's needs and goals. A qualified facial plastic surgeon will take into account the patient's unique facial anatomy and desired outcome before recommending any procedure. They will also ensure that any treatment is safe, effective, and in line with the patient's expectations.

Types Of Surgeries Performed

Dr. William Portuese is a popular facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington. He specializes in helping his patients achieve natural-looking aesthetic results through a variety of tailored procedures. Dr. William Portuese offers a wide range of facial plastic and cosmetic surgery services, including rhinoplasty, facelift, eyelid lift, otoplasty, neck lift, brow lift, lip augmentation and injections (such as Botox or Juvederm). He also provides reconstructive surgery to correct any deformities due to injury or disease.

Each procedure is customized to the individual patient's needs and goals. Dr. William Portuese takes the time to thoroughly explain all options so that patients can make informed decisions that are right for them. He utilizes the latest techniques and technology to ensure the best possible outcomes with minimal downtime. During consultations, he discusses every aspect of each procedure with his patients - from recovery times to potential risks - so that they feel confident about their decision.

Dr. William Portuese goal is always to provide natural-looking results that make his patients feel more confident in their appearance. His commitment to safety and excellence has earned him a reputation as one of the top facial plastic surgeons in Seattle and beyond.

Benefits Of The Procedure

Transitioning from the various types of surgeries performed by a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington, let's now look at the benefits of the procedure. Facial plastic surgery can be used to improve one's appearance and boost their self-confidence. It can also help to restore or enhance function if there is an underlying medical condition that is causing physical problems.

The results of any facial plastic surgery procedure will depend on the patient's individual needs, anatomy and desired outcome. However, patients may experience improvement in their physical appearance and enhanced facial features such as improved symmetry or a more youthful look. Depending on the type of procedure being done, people may also see an increase in self-confidence due to a more aesthetically pleasing face.

In addition to improved physical appearance, some procedures may also provide functional benefits such as improved breathing due to enlarged nostrils or increased vision with eyelid lifts. Whatever the reason for undergoing facial plastic surgery, it is important for patients to be aware of all possible risks and complications associated with the procedure before making a decision.

Qualifications And Certification Of A Surgeon

The qualifications and certification of a surgeon are essential when considering facial plastic and cosmetic surgery. A qualified surgeon has completed the necessary training and education to provide quality care. They should have experience with the latest techniques, understand the risks involved, and be able to clearly explain the pros and cons of each procedure. When looking for a qualified surgeon, it's important to ask about their credentials and certifications.

In addition to being board-certified, a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon should also meet certain requirements set by state medical boards. This includes completing an accredited residency program in plastic surgery or facial reconstructive surgery, as well as passing written exams that test their knowledge of aesthetic procedures. It's also important to consider whether the surgeon has any additional training in specific techniques such as rhinoplasty or facelifts.

Finding a qualified facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle Washington involves doing some research into their qualifications, certifications, training, experience, and expertise. It's important to ask questions about their practice philosophy and approach toward patient care before making any decisions. Additionally, it's always best to check references from past patients who have had successful outcomes with their procedures.

Finding A Reputable Surgeon In Seattle

When seeking a reputable facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington, there are several factors to consider. First, patients should research the qualifications and certifications of potential surgeons. The American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS) is a good resource for validating the credentials of a surgeon. All ABFPRS board-certified surgeons must have completed five years of post-graduate training including two years in facial plastic surgery. Additionally, it is recommended that patients ask their prospective doctor about his or her experience performing specific procedures they are considering.

The next step is to ensure that the chosen surgeon has hospital privileges. Hospitals only grant privileges to doctors who meet stringent requirements regarding education, training, experience, and ethical standards. It is also important to find out if the chosen surgeon has malpractice insurance coverage in case something goes wrong during surgery or follow-up care. Finally, a patient’s comfort level with their surgeon should be taken into consideration before making any final decisions about treatment. It is important to feel comfortable expressing concerns and asking questions before committing to any procedure or treatment plan.

Patients should also check for reviews from past clients online when researching potential surgeons in Seattle. Reading reviews will help them get an idea of what kind of results they might expect from that particular doctor as well as gauge customer service levels and overall satisfaction ratings from former patients. When all these criteria are met, you can be confident that you have found a reputable facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle.

Cost Considerations

When considering a facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington, cost is an important factor. Prices for procedures vary from doctor to doctor, so it's important to do research and compare costs before finalizing your decision. Additionally, many plastic surgeons offer financing options for those who may need additional assistance with covering the costs of their procedure.

Before making any decisions about cost, be sure to consult with your chosen surgeon about all of the fees associated with the procedure you're interested in. This includes fees for pre- and post-operative visits as well as any necessary follow-up appointments after surgery. It's essential that you understand what is covered by insurance and what isn't. This information can help you determine which procedures are within your budget and how much money will need to be saved or borrowed before starting treatment.

When researching potential surgeons, look into their experience level and reputation in the field. Ask questions about their credentials, past patient feedback, and any awards or certifications they have received. It's also worth looking into if they are affiliated with a hospital or medical center - this can often mean that they have access to more advanced technology or techniques than other physicians without such affiliations. Ultimately, selecting a reputable and experienced facial plastic surgeon in Seattle will ensure that you receive safe treatment at a competitive price point.

Risks Involved

Transition: It is important to understand the cost associated with a facial plastic and cosmetic surgery procedure, but it is equally important to consider the potential risks as well.

The most common risk associated with any type of facial plastic or cosmetic surgery is infection. This can occur if proper sterile technique is not followed during the procedure. In addition, there are risks associated with anesthesia; such as an allergic reaction, difficulty breathing, and even death in rare cases.

Scarring can also be a potential side effect of certain procedures. Although your surgeon will try to minimize this risk, it is something to consider when making your decision. In addition, you should be aware that some procedures may require multiple treatments or touch-ups in order to achieve the desired results. You should discuss these possibilities with your doctor before deciding on a course of action.

It's important for you to understand all of the risks involved before undergoing any type of facial plastic or cosmetic surgery procedure so that you can make an informed decision about what works best for you. Make sure you speak openly and honestly with your doctor about any concerns you may have and always make sure that they are certified and experienced in performing these types of procedures.

Aftercare Instructions

After undergoing any kind of facial plastic or cosmetic surgery procedure, it is important to follow post-operative instructions carefully. Following these instructions will help ensure a speedy and successful recovery.

The first step in the recovery process is rest. It’s important to get plenty of sleep and avoid strenuous activities for at least one week after surgery. If you are taking pain medications, they may make you drowsy and should be taken with caution. Additionally, it's important to keep your head elevated while sleeping as this will reduce swelling and discomfort.

It's also important to keep the incision area clean and moisturized by gently washing it with soap and water twice daily. Avoid getting the incision wet for 48 hours after surgery, and do not apply makeup until your surgeon has given you permission to do so. Generally, heavy lifting should be avoided for several weeks following surgery as well as any activity that causes excessive sweating or stress on the face.

It is also essential to follow up with your surgeon regularly during the recovery process to monitor progress and address any concerns that may arise. Keeping a positive attitude can help speed up recovery time, but if symptoms like fever, unusual pain or discharge occur, contact your physician immediately.


As a popular facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon in Seattle, Washington, I often receive questions about my services. Here are some of the most frequent inquiries I hear:

What types of procedures do you offer?

I specialize in facial plastic surgery, including rhinoplasty, facelift, brow lift, eyelid lift and other related cosmetic surgeries. I also perform non-surgical treatments such as dermal fillers, laser skin resurfacing and skin tightening.

How can I be sure that I am getting the best results?

My surgical work is tailored to each patient's individual needs and goals. Before performing any procedure, I take time to understand my patients’ concerns and expectations. During the procedure itself, I use advanced techniques for optimal results. Post-surgery follow-up visits are also essential to ensure that desired outcomes have been achieved.

What is your experience with facial plastic surgery?

I have extensive experience performing facial plastic and cosmetic surgeries on both men and women. In addition to having performed hundreds of successful procedures over the years, I stay up-to-date with the latest advances in technology and techniques by attending conferences around the world.

Patient Testimonials

Patient testimonials provide invaluable insight into the experiences of those who have undergone procedures with a particular surgeon. In Seattle, Washington, there are many patients who have had their procedures performed by popular facial plastic and cosmetic surgeon Dr. William Portuese. Here is what some of his patients have to say about their experience with him.

One patient reports that, "Dr. William Portuese was so knowledgeable and made me feel very comfortable throughout the whole process. He took time to explain every step and answered all my questions thoroughly." Another patient noted, "Dr. William Portuese office staff was very professional and courteous as well."

Overall, it is clear that Dr. William Portuese is highly regarded among his patients for his knowledge, professionalism, and overall care for their comfort during the procedure. His attention to detail has resulted in many positive outcomes for patients seeking facial plastic and cosmetic surgery in Seattle, Washington.


In conclusion, facial plastic and cosmetic surgery is a great way to improve the overall look of your face. It’s important to find a certified and experienced surgeon who understands your goals and can help you achieve them in the safest way possible. They should be able to answer any questions you have about the procedure and provide you with clear aftercare instructions. Additionally, it’s also wise to read patient testimonials to get an idea of what kind of results other people have gotten from similar procedures. With an experienced and qualified surgeon, facial plastic surgery can deliver excellent results with minimal risks. It’s my hope that this article has been helpful in giving you the information you need to make an informed decision about facial plastic surgery in Seattle.

Top Tips For Getting The Most From Your Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic surgery isn't necessarily a luxury, nor is it only for those who are vain. People who have scars or other injuries find cosmetic surgery to boost their confidence. You will make excellent decisions by using the advice from the above article.

You should request a record of past work performed from your doctor. Examine any pre and post op surgery photos closely to determine if the surgeon seems capable. Feel free to ask whatever questions come to mind, and make sure to ask for some references to talk to about the doctor's work. That will assist you in choosing the right doctor.

Find out if you need to take any antibiotics. Typically you need to take antibiotics for a few weeks prior to a surgery to limit any risks of complications, particularly infections. If your surgeon does not prescribe any antibiotics, you must get another opinion from another doctor.

Find out from the surgeon if your appearance has to be altered before getting surgery. You may need to cut your hair or shave your face to ensure success during the procedure.

Those thinking about undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery procedure should take the time necessary to gather information regarding the recovery process and get an estimate of how long the recuperation period may last. The more you know, the more smoothly your recovery will go. You will be less likely to be thrown off schedule if you know how long recovery takes.

Reconstructive surgery is what surgery for other than aesthetic options is called. There is a stigma about some types of Facelift Surgery, and if you simply change the vocabulary associated with your procedure, you can avoid the judgment of others.

Talk to your doctor about associated risks and risk reduction procedures you can both take. Always research independently to ensure that your doctor is being upfront with you.

Learn about any financing that is available to you. Doctors understand that finances may be an issue for some, and many offer flexible payment options. If your doctor does not have a payment plan, you can seek out other loan options or find a cosmetic surgeon that does have a payment plan.

Cosmetic surgery can be painful and does create scars for many procedures. Lots of patients don't know these procedures can be very painful. Healing will be easier if you fully anticipate the difficulty of the process.

Blood loss is very common when you are going through cosmetic surgery. Bleeding is a side effect of any surgery, but if you are excessively bleeding it can be an issue. Medically-significant blood loss can even occur after the surgery is over. If the bleeding is post op, blood can pool underneath the skin and sometimes additional surgery is required. It is critical that you talk to your doctor about what is expected as far as bruising and loss of blood after surgery.

It is imperative that you research everything you can before having any cosmetic work done. Learn everything about the procedure and discuss your concerns with your physician. Having knowledge beforehand will enable you to verify the surgeons honesty and integrity regarding your particular procedure.

Always make sure that any surgeon is certified, and avoid them if they aren't certified. Inquire with the surgeon how many times they have done this particular procedure.

Ask questions regarding your recover and your aftercare. You might find yourself needing substantial time off prior to resuming your normal work schedule and lifestyle following a procedure. You don't want to get up and get moving too soon, so make sure your doctor explains to you clearly how long your recovery will need to be.

If you are experiencing emotional problems right now, postpone your cosmetic surgery until you are feeling better. If you schedule it during a stressful time, it will make your recovery more difficult and it will also intensify the stress you are experiencing. If it takes a long time for you to get back on your feet, that can have a negative effect on you mentally.

When you decide on having a cosmetic surgery procedure, find out before hand how much time you need to schedule for recovery. You need to make sure you have prepared adequate rest time in order to heal. You do not want to ruin any plans because you timed your procedure poorly.

Cosmetic surgery is not covered by health insurance and can be quite costly. Prices vary from one procedure to another. Before you undergo the procedure, be sure you can afford the payments on it. You should include any costs linked to your recovery, medications or procedures to reduce your scars.

Conduct thorough research prior to discussing any procedures with a plastic surgeon. Fully prepare yourself for the procedure by reading as much information as possible regarding the procedure and the recovery. It might be useful to speak to someone who has already had the same procedure.

Don't ever feel pressured to undergo something you don't feel you are ready for. Many cosmetic procedures are rather simple, though. This can often times talk people into making hasty decisions. Maintain total control when it comes to making such decisions. Don't let anyone push you into a choice you are not ready to make.

Verify the validity of the surgeon you are considering for your cosmetic surgery. You don't want to use a surgeon with an expired license, so make sure it is current. This can easily be accomplished by ringing up the licensing bureau. This is completely free for you to do, and it can help you feel more confident about a doctor you have chosen.

The month before your procedure should include some things that need to be done first. You especially need to avoid the use of pain kills. These must be avoided during the month before the operation. The reason for this is that pain killers, because they thin your blood, can reduce your skin's ability to heal itself.

Some cosmetic surgeons do not care about you, but other do and will give you good suggestions. You need to research and understand the physical risks, as well as the monetary risks, before having any work done. Keep these tips in mind so you make the right choices!

Google review of Dr William Portuese by MaryAnn MacAfee★★★★★ "60 and you’d never know it! I was recommended to Dr. Portuese by another plastic surgeon’s office! The nurse said, “If I was going to get a neck/lower face lift, I’d go to someone who only does faces.” So no breast augmenting, tummy tucks, and fat-sucking sculpting here. Dr. Portuese inspired confidence upon our initial consultation. I looked no further. He’s personable and informative, and he doesn’t rush you out of his office as if his time is more important than yours. Additionally, his staff was warm and engaging, and most of all, reassuring. Since I didn’t seek consultation from other surgeon’s, I can’t comment on cost comparisons, except only to say, I thought his charges were surprisingly reasonable for such procedures. I had concerns about lose skin under my eyes that he recommended we not correct with surgery, but with laser treatments, and possibly fillers and Botox. He was right. I did all three and now it is a nonissue. Thus, his approach seems to be more on the conservative side, which I appreciated to maintain a natural look. Have you ever seen a woman’s face altered by plastic surgery that looked like it had been shrink-wrapped? But back to my procedure: I had significant bruising (I probably exacerbated it by taking an Advil PM too soon after the procedure which was a non no) under my chin for nearly a month, and swelling primarily at the jawline and ears that had noticeably reduced in about that length of time, as well. Now, after 4 ½ months, Dr. Portuese’s assessment is/was that I am now only showing some 5-10% swelling. The recovery was longer than I had expected but the results have far outweighed the downtime, which really only kept me indoors for about three weeks. There is still some tightness and numbness where the incisions were made, which by the way, are completely invisible, this is true, except for one small incision beneath my chin. I never did ask Dr. Portuese if his hands were insured, but if they’re not, they should be. My experience was wonderful, no more turkey neck, no more baggy jowls. We achieved our objective. My only regret is that I did not give Dr. Portuese a thank-you hug after our final follow-up as I had the terrific lovely ladies in the office."
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