Corso di laurea in fisica (Università del Salento), 2023/2024 - 2024/2025 (si veda https://www.unisalento.it/scheda-utente/-/people/cosimo.vinci/didattica per ulteriori dettagli).
Congestion Games
PhD Course at "Charles" University of Prague (2024)
Notes (link).
Informatica per le scienze ambientali
Corso di laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie per l'ambiente (Università del Salento), 2022/2023 - 2023/2024 (si veda https://www.unisalento.it/scheda-utente/-/people/cosimo.vinci/didattica per ulteriori dettagli).
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
Master Degree in Computer Engineering (University of Salerno), 2022/2023 (see https://corsi.unisa.it/06227/didattica/insegnamenti?anno=2022&id=514307 for further details).
Reti di Calcolatori
Corso di laurea in Ingegneria Informatica (Università di Salerno), 2021/2022 (si veda https://corsi.unisa.it/ingegneria-informatica/didattica/insegnamenti?anno=2021&id=513330 per ulteriori dettagli).
Approximation and Online Algorithms via Continuous Optimization
Advanced Course for the PhD Program (2020/2021) in Computer Science at Gran Sasso Science Institute. 6 hours.
Course Content: The course offers a general overview of some useful and powerful techniques for the design of exact, approximation, and online algorithms in discrete optimization, which are based on tools coming from continuous optimization. In particular, the course includes the following topics: submodular maximization under cardinality constraints, submodular minimization (via the Lovàsz extension), submodular maximization under matroid constraints (via the multilinear extension and the continuous-greedy algorithm), online load balancing problems, analysis of the greedy online algorithm for load balancing (via the primal-dual method).
Master Degree in Computer Science (University of L'Aquila), 2018/2019-2019/2020, 6 CFU.
Course Content: Approximation algorithms (greedy algorithms, local-search algorithms, LP-rounding for vertex and set cover, PTAS for multi-processor scheduling, FPTAS for max 0-1 knapsack, randomized algorithms, greedy algorithm for set cover); web search in search engines (Page-Rank and other ranking algorithms); sponsored web-search in search engines (first-price and second-price auctions, VCG mechanisms, and generalised second-price auction).