
Articles & Book Chapters

Cook, Maxwell J., Cory Koedel, and Michael Reda (forthcoming). Institutional Heterogeneity in the Education and Earnings Returns to Postsecondary Technical Education: Evidence from Missouri. Southern Economic Journal. (working paper version)

Fazlul, Ishtiaque, Cory Koedel, and Eric Parsons (forthcoming). Using Predicted Academic Performance to Identify At-Risk Students in Public Schools. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. (working paper version) 

Hwang, NaYoung, and Cory Koedel (forthcoming). Helping or Hurting: The Effects of Retention in the Third Grade on Student Outcomes. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. (working paper version)

Fazlul, Ishtiaque, Cory Koedel, and Eric Parsons (2024). Measuring Family Income and Student Risk in Public Schools: A Conceptual and Empirical Comparison of Options. In What Comes After Lunch? Alternative Measures of Economic and Social Disadvantage and their Implications for Education Research (eds. Thomas A. Downes and Kieran M. Killeen). Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing.

Qian, Cheng, and Cory Koedel (2024). Could Shifting the Margin Between Community College and University Enrollment Expand and Diversify University Degree Production in STEM Fields? Research in Higher Education 65(1), 42-69 (working paper version)

Austin, Wes, David Figlio, Dan Goldhaber, Eric A. Hanushek, Tara Kilbride, Cory Koedel, Jaeseok Sean Lee, Jin Lou, Umut Ozek, Eric Parsons, Steven G. Rivkin, Tim R. Sass, and Katharine O. Strunk (2023). Academic Mobility in U.S. Public Schools: Evidence from Nearly 3 Million Students. Journal of Public Economics 228. (published article)

Koedel, Cory, and Trang Pham (2023). The Narrowing Gender Wage Gap Among Faculty at Public Universities in the U.S. SAGE Open 13(3). (published article)

Breske, Shannon, Cory Koedel, and Eric Parsons (2023). Field Interest and the Choice of College Major. Economics Bulletin 43(2) (published article)

Fazlul, Ishtiaque, Cory Koedel, and Eric Parsons (2023). A Poor Poverty Measure: To Identify Children in Need, We Need to Look Beyond Free Lunch Data. Education Next 23(2), 48-53. (published article)

Fazlul, Ishtiaque, Cory Koedel, and Eric Parsons (2023). Free and Reduced-Price Meal Eligibility Does Not Measure Student Poverty: Evidence and Policy Significance. Economics of Education Review 94. (working paper version)

(Corresponding data files with IPR(130) and IPR(185) values for all U.S. schools: IPR(130/185) REAMDE IPR(130/185)_data_201516  IPR(130/185)_data_201617  IPR(130/185)_data_201718  IPR(130/185)_data_201819)

Bacher-Hicks, Andrew, and Cory Koedel (2023). Estimation and interpretation of teacher value added in research applications. In Handbook of the Economics of Education (eds. Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Woessmann) Volume 6, 93-134. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

Eagan, Joshua, NaYoung Hwang, Cory Koedel, Helen F. Ladd, and Lucy C. Sorensen (2022). Teacher Attrition and the Business Cycle. Teachers College Record. (published article)

Goldhaber, Dan, Cory Koedel, Umut Ozek, and Eric Parsons (2022). Using Longitudinal Student Mobility to Identify At-Risk Students. AERA OPEN 8. (published article)

Hwang, NaYoung, Brian Kisida, and Cory Koedel (2021). A Familiar Face: Student-Teacher Rematches and Student Achievement. Economics of Education Review 85. (working paper version)

Fazlul, Ishtiaque, Cory Koedel, Eric Parsons, and Cheng Qian (2021). Estimating Test-Score Growth with a Gap Year in the Data. AERA OPEN 7. (published article)

An, Yang, and Cory Koedel. (2021) How do Teachers from Alternative Pathways Contribute to the Teaching Workforce in Urban Areas? Evidence from Kansas City. AERA OPEN 7. (published article)

Koedel, Cory, and Eric Parsons (2021). The Effect of the Community Eligibility Provision on the Ability of Free and Reduced-Price Meal Data to Identify Disadvantaged Students. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 43(1), 3-31. (working paper version).

Kim, Dongwoo, Cory Koedel and P. Brett Xiang (2021). The Trade-off Between Pension Costs and Salary Expenditures in the Public Sector. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance 20(1), 151-68. (working paper version)

Kim, Dongwoo, Cory Koedel, Wei Kong, Shawn Ni, Michael Podgursky and Weiwei Wu (2021). Pensions and Late Career Teacher Retention. Education Finance and Policy 16(1), 42-65. (working paper version)

Cullen, Julie Berry, Cory Koedel and Eric Parsons (2021). The Compositional Effect of Rigorous Teacher Evaluation on Workforce Quality. Education Finance and Policy 16(1), 7-41. (working paper version)

Li, Diyi, Cheng Qian, and Cory Koedel (2020). Non-Resident Postsecondary Enrollment Growth and the Outcomes of In-State Students. Contemporary Economic Policy 38(4), 736-57. (working paper version)

Polikoff, Morgan S., Shauna Campbell, Sarah Rabovsky, Cory Koedel, Q. Tien Le, Tenice Hardaway, and Hovanes Gasparian (2020). The Formalized Processes Districts Use to Evaluate Mathematics Textbooks. Journal of Curriculum Studies 52(4), 451-477. (working paper version)

Darolia, Rajeev, Cory Koedel, Joyce B. Main, Felix Ndashimye and Junpeng Yan (2020). High School Course Access and Postsecondary STEM Enrollment and Attainment. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 42(1), 22-45. (working paper version)

Tan, Li and Cory Koedel (2019). The Effects of Differential Income Replacement and Mortality on U.S. Social Security Redistribution. Southern Economic Journal 86(2), 613-37. (working paper version)

Goldhaber, Dan, and Cory Koedel (2019). Public Accountability and Nudges: The Effect of an Information Intervention on the Responsiveness of Teacher Education Programs to External Ratings. American Educational Research Journal 56(5), 1557-89. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory, Jiaxi Li, Matthew G. Springer and Li Tan (2019). Teacher Performance Ratings and Professional Improvement. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 12(1), 90-115. (working paper version)

Parsons, Eric, Cory Koedel and Li Tan (2019). Accounting for Student Disadvantage in Value-Added Models. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 44(2), 144-179. (working paper version) (code package)

Darolia, Rajeev and Cory Koedel (2018). High Schools and Students' Initial Colleges and Majors. Contemporary Economic Policy 36(4), 692-710. (working paper version)

Li, Diyi and Cory Koedel (2018). A Technical Comment on Li and Koedel (2017): Author Response. Educational Researcher 47(4): 262-263. (published article)

Backes, Ben, James Cowan, Dan Goldhaber, Cory Koedel, Luke Miller and Zeyu Xu (2018). The Common Core Conundrum: To What Extent Should We Worry that Changes to Assessments and Standards Will Affect Test-Based Measures of Teacher Performance. Economics of Education Review 62, 48-65. (working paper version)

Li, Diyi and Cory Koedel (2017). Representation and Salary Gaps by Race/Ethnicity and Gender at Selective Public Universities. Educational Researcher 46(7), 343-354. (working paper version) (official post-publication correction) (post-publication correction, unpublished extended version) (de-identified data)

Kim, Dongwoo, Cory Koedel, Shawn Ni and Michael Podgursky (2017). Labor Market Frictions and Production Efficiency in Public Schools. Economics of Education Review 60, 54-67. (working paper version).

Cellini, Stephanie Riegg and Cory Koedel (2017). The Case for Limiting Federal Student Aid to For-Profit Colleges. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (Point/Counterpoint) 36(4): 934-942. (published article)

Cellini, Stephanie Riegg and Cory Koedel (2017). Response to Gilpin and Stoddard. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management (Point/Counterpoint) 36(4): 950-53. (published article)

Koedel, Cory, Jiaxi Li, Matthew G. Springer and Li Tan (2017). The Impact of Performance Ratings on Job Satisfaction for Public School Teachers. American Educational Research Journal 54(2): 241-278. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory, and P. Brett Xiang (2017). Pension Enhancements and the Retention of Public Employees. Industrial and Labor Relations Review 70(2): 519-551. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory and Morgan Polikoff (2017). Big Bang For Just A Few Bucks: The Impact of Math Textbooks in California. Evidence Speaks Reports Vol. 2, No 5. Washington DC: Brookings. (published article)

Koedel, Cory (2017). Explaining Black-White Differences in College Outcomes at Missouri Public Universities. Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Review 99(1), 77-83. (published article)

Koedel, Cory, Diyi Li, Morgan S. Polikoff, Tenice Hardaway and Stephani L. Wrabel (2017). Mathematics Curriculum Effects on Student Achievement in California. AERA Open 3(1): 1-22. (published article)

Backes, Ben, Dan Goldhaber, Cyrus Grout, Cory Koedel, Shawn Ni, Michael Podgursky, P. Brett Xiang and Zeyu Xu (2016). Benefit or Burden? On the Intergenerational Inequity of Teacher Pension Plans. Educational Researcher 45(6): 367-377. (working paper version)

Interactive Map

Darolia, Rajeev, Cory Koedel, Paco Martorell, Katie Wilson and Francisco Perez-Arce (2016). Race and Gender Effects on Employer Interest in Job Applicants: New Evidence from a Resume Field Experiment. Applied Economics Letters 23(12): 853-856. (working paper version) (replication dataset; readme)

Ehlert, Mark, Cory Koedel, Eric Parsons and Michael Podgursky (2016). Selecting Growth Measures for Use in School Evaluation Systems: Should Proportionality Matter? Educational Policy 30(3): 465-500. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory, and Jiaxi Li (2016). The Efficiency Implications of Using Proportional Evaluations to Shape the Teaching Workforce. Contemporary Economic Policy 34(1): 47-62. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory and Michael Podgursky (2016). Teacher Pensions. In Handbook of the Economics of Education (eds. Eric A. Hanushek, Stephen Machin and Ludger Woessmann) Volume 5: 281-304. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science.

Darolia, Rajeev, Cory Koedel, Paco Martorell, Katie Wilson and Francisco Perez-Arce (2015). Do Employers Prefer Workers Who Attend For-Profit Colleges? Evidence from a Field Experiment. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 34(4): 881-903. (working paper version) (replication dataset; readme)

Koedel, Cory, Eric Parsons, Michael Podgursky and Mark Ehlert (2015). Teacher Preparation Programs and Teacher Quality: Are There Real Differences Across Programs? Education Finance and Policy 10(4): 508-534. (working paper version)

Ehlert, Mark, Cory Koedel, Eric Parsons and Michael Podgursky (2015). A Research-Based Response to Federal Non-Regulatory Guidance on Growth Models. In Value Added Modeling and Growth Modeling with Particular Application to Teacher and School Effectiveness (eds. Hong Jiao and Robert W. Lissitz). Charlotte: Information Age Publishing, Inc.

Koedel, Cory, Kata Mihaly, and Jonah E. Rockoff (2015). Value-Added Modeling: A Review. Economics of Education Review 47: 180-195. (working paper version)

Hughes, Andrew, Cory Koedel and Joshua A. Price (2015). Positional WAR in the National Football League. Journal of Sports Economics 16(6): 597-613. (working paper version)

Parsons, Eric, Cory Koedel, Michael Podgursky, Mark Ehlert and P. Brett Xiang (2015). Incorporating End-of-Course Exam Timing into Educational Performance Evaluations. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness 8(1): 130-147. (working paper version)

Balch, Ryan and Cory Koedel (2014). Anticipating and Incorporating Stakeholder Feedback When Developing Value-Added Models. Education Policy Analysis Archives 22(97). (published article)

Arcidiacono, Peter and Cory Koedel (2014). Race and College Success: Evidence from Missouri. American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 6(3): 20-57. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory (2014). Higher Education Structure and Education Outcomes: Evidence from the United States. Education Economics 22(3): 237-256. (published article)

Ehlert, Mark, Cory Koedel, Eric Parsons and Michael Podgursky (2014). Choosing the Right Growth Measure: Methods Should Compare Similar Schools and Teachers. Education Next 14(2): 66-71. (published article)

Koedel, Cory, Shawn Ni and Michael Podgursky (2014). Who Benefits from Pension Enhancements? Education Finance and Policy 9(2): 165-192. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory, Shawn Ni and Michael Podgursky (2014). Will Structural Flaws in Public Pension Plans Serve as an Impetus for Centralization? In The Global Debt Crisis: Haunting U.S. and European Federalism (eds. Paul E. Peterson and Daniel Nadler). Washington, DC: Brookings.

Koedel, Cory, Shawn Ni and Michael Podgursky (2013). The School Administrator Payoff from Teacher Pensions. Education Next 13(4): 8-13. (published article)

Ehlert, Mark, Cory Koedel, Eric Parsons and Michael Podgursky (2013).The Sensitivity of Value-Added Estimates to Specification Adjustments: Evidence from School- and Teacher-Level Models in Missouri. Statistics and Public Policy 1(1): 19-27. (published article)

Koedel, Cory, Michael Podgursky and Shishan Shi (2013). Teacher Pension Systems, the Composition of the Teaching Workforce, and Teacher Quality. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 32(3): 574-596. (working paper version)

Bhatt, Rachana, Cory Koedel and Douglas Lehmann (2013). Is Curriculum Quality Uniform? Evidence from Florida. Economics of Education Review 34: 107-121. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory, Rebecca Leatherman and Eric Parsons (2012). Test Measurement Error and Inference from Value-Added Models. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 12(1). (Topics) (working paper version)

Bhatt, Rachana and Cory Koedel (2012). Large-Scale Evaluations of Curricular Effectiveness: The Case of Elementary Mathematics in Indiana. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 34(4): 391-412. (working paper version) (online appendix)

Koedel, Cory and Teerachat Techapaisarnjaroenkit (2012). The Relative Performance of Head Start. Eastern Economic Journal 38(2): 251-275. (working paper version)

(This paper was awarded the Eckstein prize for the best article published in the Eastern Economic Journal in 2011 and 2012.)

Koedel, Cory and Eric Tyhurst (2012). Math Skills and Labor-Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Resume-Based Field Experiment. Economics of Education Review 31(1): 131-140. (working paper version).

(note: example resumes from this study are available upon request)

Koedel, Cory (2011). Grading Standards in Education Departments at Universities. Education Policy Analysis Archives 19(23). (published article)

Koedel, Cory and Julian R. Betts (2011). Does Student Sorting Invalidate Value-Added Models of Teacher Effectiveness? An Extended Analysis of the Rothstein Critique. Education Finance and Policy 6(1): 18-42. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory and Julian R. Betts (2010). Value-Added to What? How a Ceiling in the Testing Instrument Influences Value-Added Estimation. Education Finance and Policy 5(1): 54-81. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory (2009). An Empirical Analysis of Teacher Spillover Effects in Secondary School. Economics of Education Review 28(6): 682-692. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory, Julian R. Betts, Lorien Rice and Andrew Zau (2009). The Integrating and Segregating Effects of School Choice. Peabody Journal of Education 84(2): 110-129. (working paper version)

Koedel, Cory and Julian R. Betts (2008). Test-Score Ceiling Effects and Value-Added Measures of School Quality. JSM Proceedings, Social Statistics Section. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association. (published article)

Koedel, Cory (2008). Teacher Quality and Dropout Outcomes in a Large, Urban School District. Journal of Urban Economics 64(3): 560-572. (working paper version)

Other Publications

Fazlul, Ishtiaque, Cory Koedel, Eric Parsons, and Cheng Qian (2021). Bridging the COVID Divide: How States Can Measure Student Achievement Growth in the Absence of 2020 Test Scores. Policy Report. Washington DC: Fordham Institute. (link)

Polikoff, Morgan S., Shauna Campbell, Shira Korn, Rachel White, Stephani Wrabel, Tenice Hardaway, Hovanes Gasparian, and Cory Koedel (2020). Curriculum Counts: Math and Science Textbook Adoptions and Effects. Los Angeles, CA: USC Rossier School of Education Center on Education Policy, Equity and Governance. (link)

Melnicoe, Hannah, Cory Koedel, and Arun Ramanathan (2019). The Canary in the Gold Mine: The Implications of Marin's Rising Pension Costs and Tax Revolt for Increasing Education Funding. Policy Report. Palo Alto, CA: Policy Analysis for California Education. (link)

Melnicoe, Hannah, Carrie Hahnel, Cory Koedel, and Arun Ramanathan (2019). The Big Squeeze: How Unfunded Pension Costs Threaten Educational Equity. Policy Report. Oakland, CA: Pivot Learning. (link)

Koedel, Cory and Gabriel E. Gassmann (2018). Pensions and California Public Schools. Policy Report written for the Getting Down to Facts II Project in California (PI: Susanna Loeb). (full report) (policy brief)

Cellini, Stephanie Riegg and Cory Koedel (2017). For-Profit College Policy at the Crossroads. Urban Institute Memos to Congress and the New Administration. Washington, DC: Urban Institute. (link)

Kim, Dongwoo and Cory Koedel (2016). Teacher Pensions and Education Policy. Teachers College Record (11.02.16). (link)

Koedel, Cory and Eric Parsons (2014). Evaluating Teacher Preparation Programs Using the Performance of their Graduates. Teachers College Record (11.04.14). (link)

Podgursky, Michael and Cory Koedel (2014). Teacher Compensation. In Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance (eds. Dominic Brewer and Lawrence Picus). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Podgursky, Michael and Cory Koedel (2014). Teacher Pensions. In Encyclopedia of Education Economics and Finance (eds. Dominic Brewer and Lawrence Picus). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.

Koedel, Cory (2011). Education School Grades and Selection into Teaching. Teachers College Record (08.24.2011). (link)

Koedel, Cory (2011). Grade Inflation for Education Majors and Low Standards for Teachers: When Everyone Makes the Grade. Education Outlook No. 7 (August). American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. (link)

Betts, Julian R., Andrew C. Zau and Cory Koedel (2010). Lessons in Reading Reform: Finding What Works. San Francisco: Public Policy Institute of California. (policy report)

Julian R. Betts, Lorien Rice, Andrew Zau, Y. Emily Tang, and Cory R. Koedel (2006). Does School Choice Work? Effects on Student Integration and Achievement, San Francisco, Public Policy Institute of California. 

Working Papers


Candelaria, Christopher A., Ishtiaque Fazlul, Cory Koedel, and Kenneth A. Shores. Weighting for Progressivity? An Analysis of Implicit Tradeoffs Associated with Weighted Student Funding in Tennessee. Working Paper. under review

Baker, Sofia P., and Cory Koedel. Trends in Faculty Diversity at Selective Public Universities in the 21st Century. Working Paper. under review

Kim, Dongwoo, Cory Koedel, Eugenia Gorina, and James Harrington. The Incidence of Social Security Taxes on Teacher Wages and Employment. Working Paper. under review


Austin, Wes, Bingjie Chen, Dan Goldhaber, Eric Hanushek, Kristian Holden, Cory Koedel, Helen Ladd, Jin Luo, Eric Parsons, Gregory Phelan, Steven Rivkin, Tim Sass, and Mavzuna Turaeva. Path to the Principalship and Value Added: A Cross-state Comparison of Elementary and Middle School Principals. Working Paper. under review


Eagan, Joshua, and Cory Koedel. Career Readiness in Public High Schools: An Exploratory Analysis of Industry Recognized Credentials. Working Paper.

Koedel, Cory, Jason A. Grissom, Shawn Ni and Michael Podgursky. Pension-Induced Rigidities in the Labor Market for School Leaders. Working Paper.

Koedel, Cory and Teerachat Techapaisarnjaroenkit. Systematic Differences in How Mothers Assess Children and Implications for Developmental Research. Working Paper.

Koedel, Cory, Julian R. Betts, Lorien A. Rice and Andrew C. Zau. The Social Cost of Open Enrollment as a School Choice Policy. Working Paper.

Koedel, Cory and Julian R. Betts. Re-Examining the Role of Teacher Quality in the Educational Production Function. Working Paper.